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Chapter 4

When i came back to myself, my breathing was shallow, echoing through the deserted hallways. I could still feel the impresion of his hands on my flesh, the invisible scars on my body, and the faded bruises he left on my skin after he had his fill of my unwilling flesh.

I slid down the wall behind me when my shakey legs decided they couldnt hold me up any longer. You would think somebody would notice me gone, would come to see if I was okay. But nobody came, nobody ever comes.

Im not sure how long I stayed stitting there, curled into myself, until I decided it wsa time to get up and go to class. I walked into my spanish class undetected. How do I get into a lass 45 minutes late without anyone noticing you ask? Im just simply that invisible. Brilliant. I giggled to myself quietly for my internal Brittish accent, and ofcoarse thats when everybody decided to notice me, probably thinking, "oh look, the freaks crazy now."

Stupid people, dont be judging my awesomness. Not even sure if thats a word or not, but it still works.

After my personal hell that goes by Spanish was over, I was walking to my next class when I smelled that wonderful scent again. Simply orgasmic. I smiled to myself as I changed course and followed the addicting scent of my mate. My nose lead me to a janators closet. While I should have known what was going on, all i could think of was, 'what is my silly mate doing in a closet?'. But of coarse I got my answer when I opened the door to see my beautiful mate sitting in a large wooden chair at the back of the closet compleatly naked. With a equally naked girl on his lap.

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