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Chapter 16

When I woke up on a naked man's chest, I didn't have any freak outs about not knowing who it was or anything like that. I knew instantly that this was my Darian. My head was laying on his beautiful chest; my hand on his heart, feeling his heartbeat; and our legs were intertwined, so twisted with each other that the only reason I could tell who's was who's was the amount of hair on his legs. Not that his were that beastly, just the normal guy stuff. Very huge contrast to my smooth ones.

It amazes me how off topic I can get.

I felt his shift slightly, bringing me closer to him with the arm that was wrapped around my waist. His warmth radiated onto me, and it felt absolutely amazing. It was like we were in our own little bubble, cut off from the world. Here, there was no fighting or violence or hate. There was only the hunger we have for each others touch, and the love that pumps through our heart. Every beat, every rush of blood, every gasp of breath, was for him.

I felt his stare on me and the newly formed mark on where my neck meets my shoulder started to throb. Not in a bad way, but kinda like the feeling you get after you've done a really good and crazy workout.

Actually, I suppose that's not far off.

I smiled and glanced at the mark I put on his neck. My smile grew bigger and I felt pride in me grow while I gazed at the teeth marks that will forever stay on his skin, warning all other females off my property, as the same goes for me. Our scents were now mixed, showing that we were molded into one being, forever together, never apart.

I couldn't be happier.

When we finally decided to get out of my bed, we were both practically starving. Which, of coarse, was voiced pretty loudly by our rumbling stomaches. We both looked away slightly blushing with embarrassment, then started laughing at each other when we realized what we did. "You're so cute," I giggled. He gave me a fake outraged face and set his mouth into an adorable pout.

"Not cute, very, very rugged and manly thank you very much." He said with as much seriousness as he could muster.

"Oh yes, very manly, so sorry for that terrible insult."

"As you should be," he told me, right before he lunged at me and playfully tackled me to the bed and started to lick me like a dog. Yes, he just made an argument bout being a man and is now acting like a canine. Makes lots of sense, right?

"Ew, stop it!" I yelled at him while laughing hysterically, trying to push the weirdo off of me.

"Never! Your mine to lick all I want now so, ha!" he yelled back, then licking me all up the side of my face. Eww.

I finally succeeded in pushing him off of me and I hurriedly flew off my bed and sprinted out of my room with him chasing after me.

"Yes baby, run away from a wolf while your still completely naked. Good choice."

And with that he caught me, wrapping his arms tight around me and hold me close to him. I tuned around and pressed my lips to his gently, but he had other ideas. He deepened the kiss, causing me to moan lightly and run my fingers through his slightly long blonde hair, pulling his head closer to mine. We probably would have gone for another round at the rate we were going but our stomaches decided to remind us that we'll need more energy if were going to keep doing anything at all.

"Come on sweetie, let's go get something to eat." he told me, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my room so we can get dressed.

We watched each other get dressed, kind of like a reverse strip tease. Sadly, I think it had the same effect as one, and looking at the lust in his eyes, I knew I wasn't the only one. "Come on lover boy, let's go get something to eat before we get...distracted again and get carried off."

"You're right, we'll come back to this later," he told my, winking.

Horny little brat.

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