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Chapter 18

I wished that my life could just be normal sometimes. That I wouldn't have to deal with all the pain I've had to go through in everyday life.

People walk down the street without a care in the world, thinking that they won't ever get mugged caught in the cross fire of a gang fight. No, of coarse not. That only happens to bad people, people who deserve it. People who aren't them. They think nothing bad will ever happen to them.

How wrong they are.

Yes, those random people on the street are naïve, but at least they know it happens. These...dimwits at this school seems to think it's all a huge lie that the news comes up with to scare people, to shy them away from the bad bad streets on the other side of town.

At least those "bad bad" people are honest. They know how things will go, how life is a struggle and not filled with fluffy pink penguins and jumping leprechauns. They know bad things will happen, and they adapt there lives for the main focus of their lives.


I watch these sheltered, shallow people as they strut passed me, thinking no one hears the lies they are telling others.

Anxiety masks the hallways, mouths yapping constantly. Do they even realize what their saying? They talk about useless subjects, speaking only for the reason to be heard. They stare as they walk by, muttering useless sounds that make annoying syllables.

Freak? one syllable. A single word, a single thought.

Weirdo? Two syllables.

The words rotate around the musty air. Over perfumed bodies compact the room and breaths each others breath.

They suck in rumors like oxygen, breath lies out like carbon. Constantly, a whirlwind of deception.

Battles between friends-turned-foes.

What was the reason? They snarl like ravenous dogs, shows dagger teeth of insults. Lips curl in disgust, unmasking the hateful beings under the pretty composition. Contempt drools from their mouths and puddles into scarlet pools. Another snap of teeth, another cut that flows into overflowing rivers.

They slash at each other once more before resuming to their newly formed packs, thinking they are safe after their battle. The crimson shadows follow them for their next meal, leaving trails of hate along the hallways of the condemned.

The hours drag, into what seems like life times. I can feel the time coming closer to when I get to see my love, my Darian.

I rush out of the school when the final bell rings, watching as the hordes of people gossip on their way to their secret second lives where they actually give a damn about things. Already you can see parts of their mask melting away, showing the truth beneath their fake smiles and plastered on happiness.

It makes me sick.

I slam open the doors to the freedom of the outside and found a smile start to creep onto my face for the first time today when I saw Darian standing there in some washed out jeans and a plain navy blue shirt that only hinted at the wondered beneath. The smile turned into a full out grin when I realized that he was mine, and only mine.

"Hello love" he called to me, instantly making a few heads turn to him.

I saw some of the sluts give him sly grins while discreetly pulling down their shirts to show off their fakeness. I growled at them, ready to protect my territory before Darian turned to them and gave them disgusted looks and saying "Ew" to them.

My smile almost broke my face when he did thank, happy to know that he wasn't interested in that. "I love you" I told him, kissing him gently. He looked at me, giving me a sad look.

"Don't thank me yet love, today...well... I have to meet with the Alpha and Beta."

That wiped the grin off my face real quick.

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