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Chapter 19

I pushed his chest slightly, gaining some distance away from each other so I didn't have those distracting sparks between us. "Do you really? I mean...I certainly wouldn't mind waiting..." I told him, my voice quivering. He chuckled at me, obviously thinking that I was just nervous, not completely scared shitless. "It'll be fine, don't worry so much," he told me reassuringly.

"Do you even realize what they could do to you? I don't want you hurt Darian, I just want you safe, with me."

"It'll be fine, I promise. I can't stay under the radar for long; we're already pushing our luck as it is. Plus, I want everyone to know that we're together, and that you're completely mine."

"People can already tell that by our marks hun, but I know what you mean. I just have a bad feeling about this..."

"It will be alright, promise," he told me smiling. I wanted to believe him, to know that our life was going to finally be ours, and that Iwon't have to hide him from my parents. Yeah, they may never be home or give a poo about me but I would still love to be able to show him off to the pack members without them being afraid that they'll turn him in for being a rouge.

I just want us to be able to live now, together. To do the simple things like go to the movies and walk hand in hand in the park. To make fun of the people who fall roller-skating in the park. I want to do all of that with him, and more. But I know we won't be able to until he's accepted into the pack, or at least allowed to stay on the land.

I grabbed his hand and started walking to the pack house. Yes, I was nervous, and yes, I wanted to just take him and run, but I knew that we had to do this, to face the Alpha, Beta, and the future leaders of our pack.

We had to face my old mate.

We walked hand and hand to our future, knowing that we may not be able to come out of this together, but at least, for now, we are here, and we are one.

We got to the pack house, not once letting go of each other's hand, as if that simple small connection was the lifeline for both of us. We walked into the backyard where we could smell everyone back there, waiting for us. As soon as we rounded the corner every eye was on us. I could hear there judging whispers, pulled by the wind andcarried to my ears like little licks of hate and accusations. I wanted nothing more than to run take Darian with me. To run like hell and never come back.

Darian's hand tightened on mine, letting me know that everything would be okay, and that we'll have our future together. I looked at him and smiled, loving the way the sun made his eyes glisten and his slightly long blond hair make him look like an Adonis. My hungry gaze traveled down his chiseled body, all the way from his form-fitting black V-neck shirt and down to his dark washed jeans. He looked so perfect, and he was mine. Looking at him, my perfect mate, made me have renewed strength and I squared my shoulders, ready for what was to come.

"So whore, this is what you've taken up with? Tsk Tsk, I thought you would've done better."

I looked to my right to see Eric, standing there with no shirt on and some loose grey basketball shorts on. Funny, he doesn't even look cute to me anymore. Just a little pathetic really. Darian growled, obviously not liking how Eric was already treating me.

"Don't call her that," he growled out. I could hear the warning in his voice, and see the shacking of his form, knowing that he was about to loose control. I put my hand on his arm, calming him with my touch. Almost immediately he calmed down, and put his arm around my waist, showing everyone there that I belonged to him. Eric stopped and sniffed the air, catching our scents that the breeze carried to him.

"Y-you...you mated,"he stuttered out, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Yes Eric, he is my mate." I told him bravely.

I could see his face turn slightly red from anger, and his body tremble, and before my very eyes, his beast burst through his skin and started running. Running straight for me.

Eric jumped with his claws extended and his fangs ready to pierce my skin, but just before his claws ran though my heart and his teeth threw my throat, I was pushed put of the way by a hand that sent those magical sparks through my body.


"No!" I screamed, but it was to late. Those claws that were meant for me was skewered through the heart of the man I loved, and those fangs were ripping into Darian's lovely throat. The neck that I had kissed just the night before when we made love, when we gave each other the most amazing thing. Our souls and bodies. That very body that Eric was ripping into, the blood that pumped through his veins being crudely splattered into the brown fur that was destroying my life before my very eyes.

My heart clenched in pain, and my body began to tremble with the need to save my mate, even though I already knew it was to late. I saw the life we were supposed to have together run through my brain like a movie film.

Getting married.

Having kids.

Spoiling our grandkids.

Falling asleep every night in each other's arms.

Loving each other more and more each day, never caring about anything else except the perfect thing we have together.

I fell to my knees as tears streamed down my face, mixing with the blood that was coming out of my chest where my nails pierced my flesh. I didn't care about the pain; about the loss of blood that was making blackness take over my mind. The only thing I could think of was my love, my life, lying dead just in front of me when it was supposed to be me, not him.

My blood and tears leaked into the grass like bleeding rain, soaking the ground underneath, and mixing with the crimson puddle that was inching towards me. I reached down and felt the silky liquid slide between my fingertips, and tried to capture the life that was in his body.

My heart gave one more lurch of scarlet tears before I fell to the ground with my arms stretched out to Darian, hoping to feel the warmth that I knew no longer was there. The last thing I saw was his lifeless blue eyes looking back at me before I let the blackness take over my mind and soul.

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