Chapter 12

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HOW THE FUCK DID WE REACH 90 reads??? I know some of you will be like: "BuT t! tHaT's NoT a LoT aT aLl"
But it's a lot to me, ok??
Anyways let's just get back to the cringe:

Sasha P.O.V

I was taking a walk with Yuka (ok I know I'm nitpicking but, WHY DO THEY ALWAYS TAKE WALKS? There are other hobbies.) again until Minhoo called me and asked if we can come over, I agreed and we went there, as we arrived there we went up to Minhoos room and I saw that Thomas was there, (oh no, Yandere meets Pedophile) so I said: "haaay! Thomas, long time no see, huh?" He looked at me and pulled me into a hug. (A bitch can't say hello?) "That girl is Yuka, right? Minhoo told me about you! anyway nice to meet you!" He said to Yuka, and she said "heh, nice to meet you!"
"Ok, ok, Yuka uhm, can you help me with something?" Minhoo said and they went down, I knew why it was about the party.
Then Thomas asked: "what do you think?" (How bout you go into detail?? But let me answer: stay away from children, thanks~)
"Whad do you mean?" I asked
"I mean Minhoo and Yuka, aren't they cute together?" He said, "Yup! They are indeed cute together." I answered
"I think Minhoo likes her!" (Lmao Thomas how the fuck do you know? You only called him like once.) he said, "Me too.!" I yelled.

Minhoo P.O.V

We were at the kitchen finishing the last things for the party.
"Minhoo, since when do you live in Seattle?" Yuka asked.
"Since 3 years, why? I said "no I'm just asking." She said, and why did you move there?" She asked again, "hmm, I don't know, (I never explained why any of them moved lol) I always wanted to go there when I was a kid, because grandpa was there once." (What do you mean?? I mean I would understand if he said something like: "oh lol I was there once and I wanna go back" (sad emoji) but this shit just doesn't make sense lmao) I told her, "cute, haha" she laughed, did she just call me cute?! I thought and blushed again, after we finished we went up again.

(Why did I write it like that?)

Sasha P.O.V

I was in my bed, I was bored because Yuka didn't have time today so I decided to go, to visit Minhoo. (DON'T YA'LL HAVE SCHOOL??) As I arrived Kgkt into his house and then into his room he was alone, I was kinda suprised ( why do you still don't know how to write 'surprised')so I asked: "Oi where's Thomas?" (To the playground to stalk kids?) "he went to the store to buy some stuff." he said, we were talking for a while until he said: "Sasha, I think I do kinda like Yuka..." I looked at him and yelled: "Oh my goood! how cuutee! I knew it!" (Lmao imagine If He said: "I like her but she's like a sister to me..." I would've fucking died)
then I heard someone say: "hah, told you, I knew it!" it was Thomas "since when where you standing there?? (Aye, don't u change the subject)
Minhoo asked "since 5 minutes lol-" Thomas couldn't finish his sentence because I threw a pillow at him.

Oh my, oh my I hope your brain hasn't fallen out yet.

A STUPID STORY I WROTE WHEN I WAS 12Where stories live. Discover now