Chapter 15

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SORRY FOR THE SHORT BREAK BUT I was on spring break and I forgot to take the story with me but let's not talk about me let's talk about this cringe:

(Same day as the last chapter)
Yuka P.O.V

We kissed, I kissed back, after that I told him to get some sleep (BITCH U JUST KISSED HIM and you're like: "yeah man just get sum sleep it'll help"
Like WHAT?!)
And he did so.
I went down the stairs and Sasha and Thomas looked at me and the both asked in unison: "And? What did he say? Did he say anything?!"
(Lmao if these fuckers said that in unison then they're fucking robots)
"He's just tired, he's fine, he needs rest." (Lmao sounds like he's pregnant or something) I told them, they sighed in relieve and Sasha helped Thomas with his coffee and stuff.
(I don't wanna know what stuff)

Sasha P.O.V
Only 3 more days until Thomas' brrthday, (hahaha I can't it literally says 'brrthday' I NEVER FUCKING NOTICED)
I thought i was kinda exited though (WAIT, u think ur "exited"?! THIS DOESEN'T MAKE SENSE, EITHER UR "EXITED" OR NOT)
"Sasha😏, why don't you two have a sleepover here😏?" Thomas asked me with a pedo expression (THAT'S IT I'M CALLING THE POLICE)
"Uhh...,fine but don't do weird things, plz!" I said. (What do you mean "weird things"?! What the fuck did he do last time?!)
"Haha ok!" He answered.
(I don't fucking trust him)

Thomas P.O.V

I went up to tell Minhoo that they're  staying the night. I got into the room and said: "hey Minhoo I just wanted to say-" I didn't finished the sentence. (Wait isn't the fucking door locked?)
I saw him sleeping and then I just decided to leave a note.


A STUPID STORY I WROTE WHEN I WAS 12Where stories live. Discover now