Chapter 18

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After 100 years I decided to fucking post again, so yeah...

(Same day as the last chapter)

Yuka P.O.V
...I couldn't believe who it was...
(Bitch just get to the fucking point)
"Yamato..." I managed to say. I can't believe that I see you here." he said and went for a hug but as he came near me I slapped him (bDamn bitch calm down don't karate chop his ass now lmao) and shouted at him "why...why did you leave without saying anything?! And why did u appear again all happy like nothing's happen?!" (Sounds like a Pokémon. A WILD YAMATO APPEARS!!) I ran back to everyone, crying and hoping that he's not following me. (Don't worry he's not a fucking pedophile like Thomas is lmao)
I found them and Sasha asked me: "Hey are you okay?" (Yup, that's why I'm crying genius) "no...let's go home." I said sadly, Minhoo grabbed my arm and said: "no, somethings wrong, please tell us." (OH why is everyone mr. Obvious, of fucking course something is wrong!!1!1!) he said in a worried tone, i sighed and told them when we get home.
(Lol what)

(At home)

Minhoo P.O.V

As we arrived at home I asked Yuka what was wrong. She sat down and said: "well I've met someone who was my only friend, but not anymore, because, when I was still living in Japan, he was my only friend at the time, but then he moved out and never talked to me again, (so yo bitch ass was lying all this time about having no friends smh) I was really mad when I've met him at the amusement park." (You weren't mad, you were fucking sad) "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." I said and hugged her. "It's ok, it's not your fault." She said back.
(Ok I don't know what this shit is but I hoped you enjoyed this.)
Babaye see ya in the next one....

A STUPID STORY I WROTE WHEN I WAS 12Where stories live. Discover now