|Shot 43| • Forbidden II •

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~One month later~


It hurt. It hurt to see my baby with someone else. It hurt that I am not the one in his arms. It hurt that I'm not the one he's touching after he laughs at something I said. It hurt that my lips are not the ones that brush his.

It hurt to see him happy with someone else.

Especially since he was dating one of our best friends. He moved on, but I never did. Now I'm stuck banging my fists on the wall as tears stream down my cheeks at the sight of them.

Everything is reminding me of him. His scent still envelopes me whenever I step into my room. I still feel his touch when I graze my fingers across the doorknob and windowsill like he used to.

He looks happier without me as he laughs with Will. He kisses his lips, and he grins jovially. He looks happier without me. He doesn't need me; not like I need him.

I hurt him; I know. But nobody has ever loved anyone as much as I love Stan. But no matter how much I adore him, others deserve him more than I do.

So, I tore my mournful eyes away from the view of them in the café window and walked off. I was always happier with Stan but now he's making someone else happy. He doesn't need me.


Will said something to make me laugh, and as I threw my head back, I glanced out the window and saw him.

The love of my life, with his messy auburn hair and blue eyes, sulked off in the rain.

It's been a month since he broke my heart. But was it really his fault? He was only trying to do the right thing. And after all.

I'm still in love with him.

I've always loved him. And I think...I always will. No matter what. And seeing him walk alone in the rain...I couldn't take it anymore.

I stood up from the table.

"Stan? Where you going?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, is something wrong?" Will added.

"I have to go" I said vaguely and ran out the door.

I glanced around, but I couldn't find him.

Then I spotted him down the street, his hands shoved in his jeans. I started towards him, but Will pulled me back.

"Babe, what's going on? Where are you going?"

"To get the love of my life back" I said sternly and shook him off.

"You walk away, and we're done!" he cried.

I stopped.

"That's the point" I said coldly and ran off towards Bill.

I was only dating him to get over Bill. But I can't do it anymore. I don't care if everyone is against us, I'm always going to want him.



I walked through the rain to our old spot. It's been our place since we were little kids. Now, it's as familiar as a stranger.

I dangled my feet off the ledge as the rain pattered mournfully on my coat. No matter what I did or where I went, Stan never left my mind.

But he isn't mine anymore. How can I cope without my baby? I ran a hand through my damp hair as I inched closer to the edge.





I spun around quickly.


His arms pulled me back desperately and wrapped around me securely, like I'd float away if he didn't hold on tight.

"Stan..." I exhaled contently into his hair as I wrapped my arms around him.

"What are you doing here, Bill?"

"I..." I glanced at the edge, speechless.

"Please, please don't do anything stupid. How could you even think about jumping?" he sobbed.

"Because I can't cope without you, baby" I sobbed. "I miss you like hell. Without you in my life, I don't know who to be"

"You have you" Stan smiled. "And that's worth more to me than anything in the world. You're worth more to me than anything. I love you, Bill. If you jumped, I'd fucking miss you for the rest of my life"

My heart stopped.

Is this a dream? Did I actually jump, and this is heaven?

"Don't play with me, Stan, we both know you're with Will. I hurt you, you found someone better"

"But that's just it!" he cried. "I didn't find someone better. I found someone new, yes, but they're not you. He isn't you, goddammit, and all I want is you. I don't care if this gets complicated, I choose you. I don't care if people try to separate us, I'm not letting you go ever again"

Tears streamed down both of our cheeks as I held Stan close to me. I had my baby back. I kissed his forehead and wiped away his tears.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized sheepishly. "I love you so fucking much, baby, I promise I'm never letting you go again. I want you no matter how hard this gets. I'm gonna fight for us, Stanny. I love you"

"I love you too" he sobbed, and buried his face in the crook of neck as I held him tight.

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