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hello wattpaders!!! I will be posting a short story for my neice up here! the credits all go to hellokittysolis...she is just new here on wattpad so I offered to upload for her on my page...

chapter one

I stood there covered in my mothers blood screaming into the reciever cause the this Bastard was hard of hearing, stupid ass shouldn't even be working as a emergency operator! I was beyond angry; I charged toward my angry stepfather and blacked out.

(one month back)

It all started when my mom met this guy at her company named Rodd James. The jerk is from New York and owns a barber shop (snickers ), so classy. my dad was better than that idiot! I mean come on he owns half of Boston! anyways the jerk came to visit a week to New York and came cross my mom and she fell in love obviously cutting all chances in my head that she and dad would get back together. the damn man looks like he hates kids anyways! I know if I even come close to telling mom that she would be pissed so u keep quiet. I'm sixteen making seventeen in four weeks, I really can't wait till senior year is over to head to college in Georgia cause I know id never tolerate my "stepdad". yeah right no man will replace my real dad! ever since Rodd came in the picture my mom makes me pick up all dad's calls and chooses to ignore him, should I even remind her that it was her that messed up! she was in love with the jerk and it made me furious to know that he pursuaded her to move to New york, can anybody say hell!!!

I got up the next morning fuming with anger shoving my clothes in a duffle bag then my Jay's in another. today was the day my life ended, I'd have to leave my two best bro's Lucas and Jake behind to meet new people and a new school, I already don't like Rodd and new York and I haven't even been there yet. after I packed up I went to the take a shower and brushed my teeth, I put on a faded jeans, white tee and a my red black and white six ringed Jay's.

"Bryan hun come on we will be late" my mother yelled.

pshhh I don't mind that at all.

"coming mom" I yelled back.

"well hurry baby we gotta be there in ten minutes" she yelled back.

Lord! I ran to my room and grabbed my bags technically having no choice but to go the damned car.

when we boarded the plane I listened to music while mom read an article, boring! who has the time to read anymore?! it was a hour flight to New York, when we descended I admit I liked the view, it was a bit more lively. we were walking out when I saw Rodd, he was a light skin tatted man. I couldn't stand him.

"hey honey" she sang and handed her bags.

I handed him mines and he gave me a screw face and pushed me aside as mom went into the car. I glared at him and stayed calm. for the sake of moms happiness ima just shut up and deal with it.


so here is her first chapter!! I hope you liked it :)



Selena ❤

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