chapter 5

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hi readers!! 41 reads in 2 weeks!? pretty good *thumbs up*...please continue to read and vote, also comment please!!! i get a big kick out of it, also please share the story to friends pllllllllease! Enjoy!

*3 days later*

There has been an eerie distance between me and rodd. He hasnt been bothering me and my bruises and cuts are alnost healed. Thank god mom hasnt enrolled me yet in school, she's been sooooo into redecorating the house, and to think my education came first haaa just joking, when she thinks its time for me to go ill go. I came from work and saw my mother in a daze.

"Mom are you ok?" I asked. I touched her and she flinched.

She looked at me and started to cry. I immediately knelt down to wipe her tears. She held my arms and pushed up my long sleeve.

"what's this,  why are you self harming yourself?" she pleaded.

I stared at her in shock "H-how  did you know about my arm? "

"Rodd" she whispered.

I got up feeling as if the world was on my chest. I  felt nothing  but anger. He lied to my mother and expect me to bite my tongue. This sh!t ends now!!!

"He is lying" I yelled.

She got up and crossed her arms "No you were lying to me, he told me last night that you would cut yourself out of anger since you wanted to be back home, when you went to bed I looked at you and it was true" she cried.

I couldn't stand to hear her cry but I yelled at her cause I was furious.

"So you think I'd punch my own Damn face and cut myself for no damned reason, I'm your only child mom,  I'd never cause you that pain, you're so clueless, Rodd did this to me" I yelled harder.

"No,  no thats not true" she yelled back.

"I dont know what to believe" she cried harder now.

"Believe me mom I'm your son" I yelled.

"Why would he hurt you" she spat defensively.

"Cause he is a no good douche bag,  where  were you when he first beat me up when we first came? Why do you think I had to find a job? The idiot wouldn't let me eat from his food, and do you know what he told me... to get a job or steal!! Where were you when he stabbed me? Where were you when he threw my cologne bottle to the floor cutting me in the process? These bruises were his "artwork" like he likes to call it and you were never around,  You left my father for that?! " I yelled.

She came to me and hugged me bawling her eyes out.  She finally  believes me.  In a matter of a week my life was destroyed.  Minutes  later  the door slammed open.



Woah.... hope you enjoyed the new chapter....I sure did.... please comment silent readers :( atleast vote if you don't want to comment....



Selena ❤

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