chapter 3

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Im here with a new update and im proud to say that my neice is doing well for her first book! ❤ i want to thank every single person who is reading, dont be scared to tell us ideas!! Nobody is perfect, anywho this chap goes to mystories2121, she has been nice to me and commented her thoughts, her books rock!! be sure to check out the "my brothers bestfriend" series for her, enough blabbering lol enjoy!

I woke up the next morning in soooo much pain. I limped into the bathroom grunting through every step. It hurt so much to even brush my teeth, hissing at the sting if toothpaste contacting my lips. I kept thinking over and over on what happened yesterday, wishing my mom never met him.

My stomach growled, i sighed then went downstairs to my mother. Rodd went to work so i didnt have to see his ass till 7pm. Talking about jobs im not hesitating to even go look for one, ass wont even let me touch his food.

"Mom" i called while exploring my "new house". It was a big apartment, i was impressed.

"Yes bab-(gasp) what happened to you" she yelled after me.

I avoided eye contact, i hate lying to my mother "Nothing mom, i just tried to rearrange some stuff in my closet and some things fell on me" i quickly said hoping she would buy it.

"But your limping honey" she said with a sad face.

Damn it! "I-I did to much exercise last night, im going out, for a job" i stuttered.

"Well be careful and try to be more organized in your room so you wont get hurt next time" she said.

"Love you momma" i said and sped out the door.

I didnt know what to say to her, i didnt want her be apart of this. I walked randomly and came up to a sports shop with the sign "help needed". I entered the store and switched it to "not hiring".

"Hi, im here for the job" i said.

The man looked at me clearly in shock cause of my bruised face and busted lip "Two questions" the man said "Are you 18 and i know its not my buisness but do you get in problems?"

i straightened my posture and said " No im 16 and no i dont, i just moved here and while rearranging my stuff in my closet and it came down in me, look not to be rude but i reeeeally need this job" i begged.

(sigh) "Fine but i need parent consent, just to know if they approve" he said.

"Deal! when do i start" i smiled.

"Tomorrow, noon" he laughed.

I left smiling and went into baskin robbins and ordered then headed home and found my mother in the kitchen.

"Hey honey" she sang.

"Hey momma, i got a job" i smiled.

"Really hun, thats great" she giggled.

"Oh i need you to call and tell my new boss you approve of me working there" i said walking to my room locking myself up.

Mom was cooking for Rodd and i sure as hell didnt want to interfere. i texted my bro's to let them know i got a job and told them id start school in two days.

"Honey, dinner is ready" my mom yelled from the stairs.

I knew rodd would be home by now and i didnt want to be there with him. I walked downstairs and sat quietly.

"Wheres your respect boy" my mother said.

"Dont worry emma baby" Rodd cut in but stared me down.

I slammed my fist on the table and grinded my teeth together making mom jump.

"I can apologize rodd, thank you" i said annoyed.

"Bryan elton bowson dont you dare speak to rodd that way, he has done nothing to you" she spat.

"Ha, you have no idea" i yelled back and got up from the chair locking myself up again.

Minutes later my mom kocked on the door and i opened up.

"Hun you should trust rodd more" she said handing me my plate of food and left.

I sighed, sat down and ate. Minutes later again i heard a knock. I smiled thinking it was my mom.

"Mom it was gre-" i opened my door and got kicked in my stomach instantly dropping to the floor.

"Dont disrespect me boy" rodd whisper yelled and cut into my flesh.

I hissed in pain and felt blood trickle my arm. I held onto the sliced area tightly and tried to get up. Rodd laughed and left my room. The metalic smell had me going till i passed out.


hoped you enjoyed, will put up a pic of the cast up in this chap in couple of using my phone to update -_-



selena ❤

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