chapter 6

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Hello readers!!! Im back and im honored to say that i get to write this last chapter and the upcoming epilogue!!! eeeeee I'm doing the happy dance lol ❤ I'm proud to say that this book got better feedback than my own book "The bad boy". In 3 weeks tops this book got feedback... My book took two years for one comment!! Anywho this chappy goes to _goodlife_13 , she is like so friken nice to me!!! Also check out "Do I still need you? " in her works, it's GREAT so far!! Enjoy ❤❤

Me and mom turned shocked at the fact that the door slammed so hard.

I turned to my mom "Ma I'll be upstairs, we have to leave soon".

My mother nodded and cleared her throat while wiping her tears. She then turned to Rodd.

"We need to talk Rodd" she spoke sharply.

He stiffened at the voice she has and the fact that she called him by her government.

"Honey what's wrong" he questioned.

"We will talk upstairs" she retorted.

She stompped upstairs and waited in the room, Rodd came in and she slammed the door. I listened intently to see what lies Rodd would say. I swear I wanted to go punch him with all the anger I had building inside!!!

She threw a vase to the ground and looked at Rodd with hatred in her eyes "How dare you lie to me and say my son is suicidal"

"Chh I don't even know what you talking bout', the boy need help" he slanged.

"Shut the hell up Rodd, you don't like my son and you'd send me to do things so you could harm my son, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner" she slapped her arms to her thighs.

"Now hold the hell up Emma, you saw how Bryan spoke to me day one so put your kid on a leash with all that bull" he spat.

"Your a asshole Rodd and I should've believed my son when he first told me it was you who harmed him" she yelled.

"Trick your not even all that! Now what?! " He asked proudly.

My mom took her ring off and chucked it in his face "I want a divorce" she yelled so loud I'm sure china heard it.

She went into the walk in closet to pack her stuff when Rodd pulled her hair sending her flying back then repeatedly punching her in the face.

"You and your son are prices of sh!t and always will be, hope your son enjoys my artwork" he laughed.

"BRYAN" My mom screamed from across the room in tears. She was choking and gasping for air.

I ripped my door open running to my mothers room banging on the now locked door trying to pry it open. I leaned back and forcefully rammed into the door breaking the lock running into the room. I heard her crying in the walk in closet. I knelt down and held her hand, In tears I looked down at her beautiful porcelain skin now covered in bruises and her arm was sliced open.

I stood there covered in my mothers blood screaming into the reciever cause the bastard was hard of hearing, I was beyond angry; I charged toward my laughing stepfather and blacked out letting all my hatred free.

I knocked him over and began punching his face, kicking him how he kicked me. Flashbacks came to me and made me angrier. I took a shard of glass and cut into his arm as how he cut me, smashed a vase over his legs cutting him all over and finally kicking him in the face.

"How's that for artwork" I spat collapsing in exhaustion then smiled when I heard "NYPD"


Aghhhhhh OMG it's over with RODD!!!! Epilogue next then it's all done... yes people you read right... that's why we put it in the short story section -__-


vote ( please silent readers atleast vote if you don't want to comment)!

Layna ❤

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