chapter 2

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hiiiiiiiiiii im back with a new chapter :) im happy my neice got 5 reads, 2 votes and a comment so far! im jealous lol took me a whole month for 3 reads!!! i also dedicate this chap to ZippyDragon for being really nice to me and voicing her thoughts in a comment, check out her book called "The virgin marys" , enjoy!!!

"Just keep calm" i repeated over and over once i was in the car.

Throughout the whole car ride i was thinking about my friends and school. Why in the hell my life had to be this way? My mom barely knew this man and a year later she marries him! We pulled up into a nice apartment that im guessing was rodd's. I sighed and came out the car to look for my bags.

Rodd came up to me and said " listen kid, i dont like you and never will so back off and pretend you don't know me" he backed away to leave but talked over his shoulder " oh and by the way if you tell your mother what i told you i will beat the shit out of you. Got it? Good". He spat not even letting me speak.

I swear if looks could kill, id be dead. I yanked by bags out of the trunk and into the house angrily not caring if i knocked things over. Why in the flying f*ck was this man harrasing me for?! Ive done nothing, he is lucky i know nobody here cause id take my mother and leave. My mother showed me my room and i locked myself in and sat down on the bed.

I was insanely jetlagged and my stomach was grumbling so hard it sounded as if it would attack me so i took a shower then went downstairs to make me a sandwich. When i was returning to my room i was pushed violently to the wall. Pain shot through my right arm and i jerked up only noticing my stepfathers angry eyes.

"Dont you dare touch sh*t in my fridge boy" he seethed.

"So how in the hell will i eat" i responded equally angry.

"Well i guess stay starving boy or rob, then again your momma wont be proud" he laughed.

"You're so damn jacked up with me, go f**k yourself" I whisper yelled.

Thats it, that stole the whole show away, I was dragged to the room and got the beat down of my life. I tried to fight back but rodd was so much stronger.

"Tell yo' momma you fell you dumb sh*t, tell her anything else and you'll get worse" he said pulling out a box cutter.

He slammed the door shut and entered into another room. Where in the damn hell was my mother at a time like this?! How couldn't she hear anything? I felt horrible and kept coughing blood, I had bruises all over my ribs and my lip was split. I was starting to get a black and blue around my jaw.

"Great" i coughed up while cleaning myself.

Even if this gets me half killed i had to tell my mother but i had to think this through. I finished cleaning up and carefully laid in bed. I took a bad beat down but if he hurts my mother he is a dead man walking.


Hope you liked it :)



silent readers please atleast vote if no comments :/

selena ❤

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