chapter 4

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hey wattpadders!! im back with a filler chapter...boooring lol but not my decision :) this chapter goes to my new followers!! i want to thank every reader, voter, and commenter. You've made my neice so happy. Also this is a short story so theres couple of chaps left!!!

I woke up the next day feeling faint. There was dry blood all over my arm and a huge gash was clearly visible. The sight made me run to the bathroom and let out all i ate last night. I quickly showered and threw on some clothes then headed to my room.

"Where the hell do you think your going" rodd said playing around with my perfumes. He tossed the glass from hand to hand staring at me.

I looked at him and it was evident that there was fright in my eyes.

"Ha ha your nothing but a punk, let me tell you something idiot, i dont give a f**k what you think of me. Come close to telling your momma wassup and ill end your life" he spat with venom in his voice.

"Oh and clean up my artwork" he said throwing me a first aid kit at my face.

I stumbled to the ground, he slammed the perfume cutting me again in the process, shards in my left leg, he laughed slamming the door. I punched the wall and wondered about mom, on cue a text of her came through.

Mom: Hun im down at the store, dont forget you have to go to work soon. Please try to get along with rodd. xoxo

Wow my mother is clueless. Ive been abused and i have bruises all over and not yet has she cought on.

Me: Ok and no. Love you to momma.

I threw my phone on the bed and try to work some magic on my arm and leg, hissing at the pain. After i was done i went downstairs and looked around. Thank god the ass left to work.

"Hiiiii" my mother giggled popping from god knows where.

"Lord, mom werent you at the store" I yelled in fright.

"Honey the store is right down the road" she laughed. "Now help me unpack".

I helped put the stuff away and stared at her. My mom was so beautiful. She always maintained herself gorgeous and her smile could light up a room.

"What? Is something wrong with my hair?!" she shrieked touching her purple ponytail.

-Nope, simply that you choose an idiot-

"No mom, can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure" she gestured to the seat.

I sat down and took a deep breath.

"Mom, i dont think rodd is good for you" i blurted. lowering my sleeves so my cut wasnt visible.

"What? why?" she asked after a good pause.

"Well remember the first night we came here".  -Well here goes nothing-

She nodded. "Yes hun".

"Well rodd k-"

"Hey dylan i need you outside for a moment" I froze hearing his voice.

What in the f**k!! I thought he went to work!!

"Go honey, we'll talk later, Its almost time for work" my mom said happily.

I got up and prayed rodd heard anything. I stepped out the door and as soon as i closed the door i got slapped.

"Your in a real suprise hun" he spat in a mocking tone.

"I told you to shut the f**k up" he whisper yelled.


sigh, im not liking rodd!!! i cant put up my cast pic :( bummer.

but the cast my neice choose was:

.Zac efron as Bryan

.Katy perry as emma

.Tyga as rodd

hope you enjoyed!!



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selena ❤

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