Seeing Eachother Again.

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-1 week later-

2nd POV


You haven't gone on your console or TV or any electronic for that matter since the strange incident happened.
You were sitting in the kitchen, a cup of tea in your hands as you thought about the strange boy that came through your TV.
"There's no way that was real...I need to stop staying up so late." You mumbled as you took a sip of the hot tea.
You set your cup down and sighed, and as you did so you heard a glitching noise.
You froze and looked up, in front of you was the boy you saw just a week earlier.
You jumped back, startled as his red eyes looked into your E/C ones.
"I am real Y/N. Better believe it." He said with a smile as he winked.
In his hands he was holding a bowl, which he walked over and set it on the kitchen counter.
It was the popcorn bowl he had taken from you earlier.
"You're B-Ben right?" You asked as your eyes followed his movements as he looked around your kitchen.
"Yah." He replied nonchalantly.
You mentally sighed, and took another drink if your tea.
"I'm bored. I'm gonna go play some video games." The boy casually said as he walked out of the kitchen and into your living room.
Seconds later you heard the little beep of the your game console turning on.
You closed your eyes and took a huge gulp of your tea, trying not to go insane.


BREAKING NEWS- A young male has been found dead in Pinkvine Park. The body was sitting in a display position on a bench, the bones and limbs all dislocated as well as all the organs missing. The body was painted and dressed up like a doll, this is the 8th incident this month regarding doll-like bodies. Please stay inside and lock your doors for safety and be aware when out at night.

Your eyes widened at what the newscaster said and you quickly shut the TV off.
You got up off the couch and checked your living room window of your apartment.
The streets below you were empty, and the sky turning dark.
You were anxious, was the strange guy you saw the other day the one who could be causing all the deaths?
Your heart jumped, could he be after you next?
Just then you heard your front door shut and the sound of it being locked.
You spun around, and was met with weak legs as you saw who it was.
"It's you. The Doll Maker."  You said with wife eyes.
He smirked, and his eyes studied you.
"Yes, and you must be Y/N L/N correct?" He replied with a slight grin on his face.
To balance yourself you leaned against the wall, then nodded in reply.
Doll seemed to notice this, "Nervous?" He asked already knowing the answer.
Your breath hitched, and he laughed.
"I just found you and came to say, if you tell anyone where I am staying, you'll be next." Doll said as he turned to leave.
"Wouldn't you have already made me one when you first saw me?" You asked.
You instantly mentally face palmed yourself, the question had just blurted out.
Doll turned around to look at you, his eyes staring into yours.
"I decided to maybe...let you live. There's no beauty I could add to make you a beautiful doll. That's a compliment by the way." He said in his rough tone as he turned back to leave.
You watched as he left your messy apartment, leaving you dumbfounded.
"Did I just get called beautiful by a serial killer?"


You were in your room staring out your window, anxiously watching.
You hadn't forgot about the figure that had been standing in your room, a scalpel in his hand.
Your parents weren't home, and it was midnight, so you were a little bit nervous.
After five minutes of not seeing anything out on the streets, you decided to go lay down.
Just as you took a few steps from the window, it opened.
A male figure climbed through your window and stood staring at you, it was the same figure that you fought earlier.
"Hello Y/N." His gruff voice said as he shut the window.
Your heart started racing fast and you looked at him.
"Um, hi? How do you know my name?" You replied.
He chuckled and turned towards you lifting up his mask a little.
Your eyes widened, as you saw his skin was a faint gray and when he smirked you saw sharp teeth.
"I don't think I properly introduced myself, Im Eyeless Jack." He said as his smile grew wider.
You sat down on your bed and was mentally freaking out.
"Well then nice to meet you...I think." You mumbled as an embarrassed grin formed on your lips.
Then you heard your parents car pull up in the driveway, and then the front door open.
Eyeless Jack put his mask back down and turned towards the window.
"I should be going now, I was going to kill you, but I'll let you live. See you around Y/N." He said in a lighter tone as he opened the window and left.

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