Chapter 8

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"alright ill give you all one more chance you can all eat lunch but Naruto doesn't get any its his punishment for trying to eat before anyone else. If anyone does try and feed him then that person will also fail. I make the rules and you follow them. Got it" kakashi disappeared into a puff of smoke.


We all walked over to where the lunch boxes were well except Naruto as he was tied to the post. I grabbed the one in the middle Sakura got the one to the left of mine and Saskue grabbed the one to the right of mine. We then all walked back to the pole where Naruto was tied up. "So how come you passed Okami" Sakura asked me.

"Because I tried to team up with all of you but you all shut me out and egnored me." I replied back calmly. I walked over towards Naruto and started to untie the knots tying him to the post.

"HEY OKAMI YOUR NOT MENT TO UNTIE HIM!!" Sakura shouted at me with a shocked look on her face. I stopped what I was doing and turned to her.

"If he doesn't eat then he wont have any strength for the second round we are doing" I told her calmly. I turned back to untying Naruto and was nearly finished when Saskue spoke up.

"She's right Sakura if Naruto has no strength then he will slow us down." Yay he is on my side for a change, well spoke up for me at least, not like I care anyway.

I finished untying Naruto and he fell onto the floor face first and I burst out laughing. "You do know you are meant to go onto your feet and not your face silly." I told him whilst laughing.

"Kami that was mean." Naruto wined still on the ground.

"Here let me help you up Naruto" I told him whilst putting my arm out for him to grab. I helped him up and offered him my lunch. "Here have my lunch, I'm not hungry and you look like you are hungry."

"Are you sure Kami" Naruto asked me with hesitation.

"Yes I'm sure Naruto." I told him.


Authors Note-- Hi sorry this is such a short chapter but I did promise you a chapter today. Hope you enjoy it though and thank you for all the votes and views.  

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