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  *Lotte World*

Ellie's Point Of View:
I grab RM's hand to go on the mini light rail ride. I like them cause they are relaxing and gives you an insight into the whole place inside, I wanted V to come but he ditched me for Oppa Suga, Jin and J-Hope to the Pharoah ride.

RM squeezed my hand, I turn to him and he smiles at me brightly showing his cute dimples I grew to love and poke when I'm bored. He sighs "Ready to go on then Ellie belly?" He asks sweetly, I nod "Of course! It's relaxing and fun" I smile and he laughs "You're so cute El," he says with this kind of look, it's giving me a different feeling. I don't know if its a good or a bad feeling.

His eyes widen "Ah shit balls. I didn't mean it that way. I meant it like 'you're so cute' cause you get excited over a ride" he says with a small smile and drops my hand slowly, he crosses his arms to his chest and presses his lips together.

I place my hand on his arm "Anyways, want to go on the ship that goes up and down, after this?" I ask hoping. RM nods and slings his arm around my shoulder "Of course, anything for you Ellie, we can do whatever you feel like doing" he smiles again, I smile back and lean to kiss his cheek.

His cheeks turn to shades of pink and revealed his cute dimples "You're cute" I hug him and let go when the girl came up to us "Just for two?" She asks and we nod. She nods and smiles "Here you guys. Hop on and keep all body parts inside the vehicle for safety reason. Enjoy the ride," she says and we nod "Thank you" we smile at her.

She nods "You guys are a cute couple by the way." She says and closes the door, RM blushes and looks down and I giggled kissed his cheek again cause he's so cute. The ride started and the light rail moves in a circle, I look down and smile "So beautiful from up high RM" I said, turning to him and see him looking at me. He nods "Yes it is beautiful," he says, I look at him confused "Are we talking about the same thing?" I ask and he shakes his head, looks down "Oh yeah, definitely! Oooooh, I can see J-Hope's head from here!" He points and chuckles.

I move closer to him "Where? I wanna see" I say leaning my arm on his shoulder and moving my face closer to the window and his face. He coughs and I lean back in disgust "Dude! I don't want to get sick" I playfully push him and he smiles "Mianhae jagiya"

My phone vibrated and it was my best friend from UK Jesse. She has arrived, I smile widely causing RM to look at me confused "What's up El?" He asks I look up "My best friend from UK Jesse has arrived and want me to pick her up! Come with me?" I ask and he nods "Of course! We just need to let the others know" I nod and smile.

The ride stop and the light rail returned to their stop. RM hops out first and hold out a hand for me to take, I smile and take his hand "Thank you" he smiles and leads us out. When we head out, we saw the 6 boys lining up for food, RM and I skip towards them holding hands.

Jimin points at us "Hey! We've been looking for you guys. Where have you been?" He walks me and pulls me in for a hug, I push him away "Yah! You're ruining my hair pabo" I say fixing my hair. Suga opens his arms wide and I walk to him to hug him, Jimin points "Ooh unfair! Is the turtle gets a hug and I don't?" He asks slightly upset and I shrug.

Suga smirks "I just got more swag than you!" He winks and RM fist bumps him "Jimin you just got no jams" he teases, Jimin pouts crossing his arms. Then RM clicks his fingers "Oh yeah! Ellie and I are going somewhere. We will meet up guys at home" he says, I nod letting go of Suga "We are picking her up. RM is coming with me since Jungkook isn't here and V is a lazy asshole" I poke my tongue at him, he rolls his eyes.

I hold out of my hand for RM to take and he gladly took it sending me a smile revealing his cute dimples "Let's go?" I ask and he nods then turns to guys "See you guys soon" he says and the guy's waves to us, RM and I walk towards the exit.

*Earlier: In the car*

V's Point Of View:
My phone vibrates and it was a text message from Jessica causing me to drop my phone on my face and I let out an 'Ouch' loud causing others to look at me very concern. Ellie turns to me to the back seat "V, friend you alright?" She asks concerned, I smirk nodding "Just dropped my phone on my face," I said reaching and ruffle her hair, she frowns then slaps my hand hard.

I pull it back with a frown "That hurts!" Everyone looks at me and shakes their head. I smile at them widely, Jin shakes his head "You're an alien V" he says and I smile wider "I will take that as a compliment hyung" I wink and he flips his finger then turn back.

I look down at my phone, open the message.

From Jessica :
Hey Taehyung! It's Jessy. I just wanted to tell you that the maknae is cheating on Ellie bells, I just saw him with another girl. *Picture attached*

I grip on my phone, I zoomed the picture and I see Jungkook and this slut making out in public. I rolled my eyes 'And he says he doesn't do PDA..what the fuck? LIAR' I thought to myself. My phone vibrated and a message pop up, it Jessica again.

From Jessica:
Btw I will never love you and anyone else won't either! So have fun being alone ;)

I grip my phone tighter and click it off in anger, I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Ellie "You okay babe?" She asks I smile at her slightly "Of course, are you?" I ask and she nods. I nod with a smile and thought to myself 'You won't be when you find out what your so-called boyfriend is fucking another whorebag behind you' I sigh and hug her from the back by wrapping my wrap around her neck.

She looks up and smiles "What's wrong Tae?" She asks with concern, I shake my head "I'm sorry, really am. I'm always here for you, we all are. Remember that Ellie" I look at her with a small smile, she aww'ed "Thanks, Taehyung. I'm the same" she says.

*Incheon Airport- Seoul, South Korea*

Jesse's Point Of View:
I sit down on one of the benches while I wait for Ellie to arrive. I yawn and stretch my arms, I will definitely need a bed as soon as possible. God, I'm so tired! Almost 24 hours flight...death!

My phone vibrates, it was a message from Ellie, I smile.

From Ellie:
I'm here girly! Where are you? x

I smile widely and replied immediately.

To Ellie:
Ellie! I'm near Maccas, want anything?

She replied instantly.

From Ellie:
Can you get me 10 pieces of chicken nuggets, frozen coke?  McChicken burger meal with a coke. Thank you :) x

I look at the message "Woow Ellie...you're so tiny yet you eat like a construction worker..you've changed" I giggled and head to Maccas lining up. I ordered and within a few mins my order is ready, I collected it and sit down on one of the chair and table waiting for her to arrive.

*Couple Minutes Later*

I felt someone tap my shoulder, it was my best friend with a guy with dimples smiling and waving at me, I smile back at him and squealed "Eliza! I missed you so much!" I pull her into a hug, she giggled and return my hug "God! I haven't heard Eliza in years, only my mother calls me that" she cringed at her name.

I laughed and hugged her again "I missed you so much too Jesse!" She squeals then pull away, I point at the cute dimple boy next to her and she facepalms herself "Oh this is Namjoon, but call him RM" she introduced the boy.

He smiled at me "Anneyosahaeyo mannaseo bangabseubnida" he greeted in Korean which I can't quite understand. I nod with an unsure smile, Ellie laughs "Oh my gosh! Rm jagiya. She doesn't understand Korean as much" she said to him, RM's reaction was priceless and he looks at me "Mianhae," he said. (Translation: 'Anneyosahaeyo mannaseo bangabseubnida' - Hello, nice to meet you. 'Mianhae' - I'm sorry')

Ellie rolls her eyes and hits him playfully "RM stop talking to her in Korean, she only understands Korean a little bit" she says to him again, I nod and giggle "I'm sorry mate" I said and he shakes his head "No I'm sorry Jesse. I forget sometimes that not everyone I will meet will understand or speak Korean" he said in fluently English.

I smile nodding "Wow, you're fluent in English. That's so good!" I compliment him and he chuckles "Thank you, I thank my parents for forcing me to watch Friends every day and I also self-taught myself too" he smiles brightly. I nod impressed "Awesome! Also, I heard so much about you from Eliza" I wink, Ellie, rolls her eyes and groans "Stop calling me Eliza! I hate it, it makes me want to call you my mother" she pokes her tongue at me.

I look at her in disgust "Yuck! I will disown you if you were my daughter" I tease and she gasped and I roll my eyes then turn to RM "How long you've dated my Ellie?" I ask teasingly, he blushes and bites his lip. Ellie shakes her head "I'm not dating RM. He is my best friend other than you and another guy called Taehyung" She explained.

I nod, I turn to RM and look at him. He looks disappointed, I raise my brows in suspicion. Ellie looks at him confused "You okay RM?" She asks, he looks at her and nods with slightly smiling "Of course jagiya" he lies, I smirk "Here's the food you ordered Ellie" I said and hands it to her then turn to RM "I assume the McChicken meal with coke is yours" I hand it to him.

RM nods "Kamsamnida" he bows and I wave my hand "No worries mate" I smile. Ellie picks up some chips once she's about to put them in her mouth, one chip dropped on her pants. She groans "Jinga?!" She shouts, RM laughs "Joh-eun elli elli" he grabs a napkin and hands it to her.

She wipes her pants annoyed, RM shakes her head "Geuleohji anh-eumyeon geugeos-eul jegeohaneun geos-i eolyeowo jil joh-eun il-eun eobs-eoss-eo" he smirks. I look at him confused since I don't understand him, Ellie gasps and hits him "Shi bal! neo yeoggyeoungeoya!" She shouts and he laughs. I clap my hands "I'm still here! This hoe can't understand you guys. English please or at least share!" I said trying to get their attention.
(Translation: "Geuleohji anh-eumyeon geugeos-eul jegeohaneun geos-i eolyeowo jil joh-eun il-eun eobs-eoss-eo" - Good thing it wasn't cum otherwise it be hard to remove.
'Shi bal! neo yeoggyeoungeoya' - Fuck you! You're fucking disgusting!)

The two turns to me "We are sorry!" They apologise in unison. I shake my head "Anyways, can we go now? I need a bed, pillows and blanket as well as a shower asap" I said with a yawn. Ellie nods "You certainly do," she says standing up causing RM and me to mimic her actions. RM grabs my luggage and small bags, I smile at him "Thank you" I thanked him and he smiles "Anytime jagiya" he smirks.

I turn to Ellie "What does jagiya mean?" I ask and she giggles "Ask RM. He's the Korean one," she says, I turn to him "What does it mean?" I ask again, he smirks and leans towards my ear "It means penis" he whispers and I gasp in horror.

I hit him "You're fucking disgusting!" I covered my ears, he laughed loudly. Ellie looks at us confused "What did this fucker say?" She asks concerned. I remove my hands from my ears "He said it means penis" I cringe, Ellie gasp "It actually fucking does!" She hits RM and he groans in pain "It means baby, sweetie, darling, babe etc" she explains death glaring at him.

I nod "Ah geez! Okay..is all of the boys you live with are like these?" I ask she shakes her head "Nah, only RM, J-Hope and Suga. Rest is alright I guess but they make sex or perverted comments sometimes" she said and I nod. RM unlocks the car, he places all of my bags inside the back and we all hopped in the car and soon he began driving. 

Jungkook's Point Of View:

I wrap my arms around Jennie as I continue to make out with her. I roam my hands all over her skinny and soft body. She's so sexy.

She moans "Oppa" I smirk and pull away "You're so sexy jagiya" I wink and she blushes then flip us over. She winks and grinds on me causing me to let out a throaty moan. I close my eyes "Ah fuck!" I shout, she chuckles and unbuckles my belt smirking, she leans toward my ear "Oppa, I wanna ride you" she said seductively.

I moan in response and she unbuckles my belt and pants then slide them off along with my boxers. My length sprung up, she whistled and bit her lip "Ahh oppa! You're making me so wet" she says removing her wet panties off her, she climbs on top of me and positions herself.

Jennie lower her hips down slowly, my length enters her causing both of us to moan loudly "Fuck!" I shout and she moans and starts bouncing up and down.

Ellie, why can't you be this fucking good and sexy?

Message from @smileforhemmings:
HEY guys! Enjoy the chapter and sorry for the incomplete smut xD just imagine! Anyways bad Kookie! What did Ellie do to you?
You readers shall find out next chapter, right Amy? Stay tuned for her part next @Jet-Black-5SOS :)))  

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