Chapter 4

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Megan's P.O.V

I couldn't fall asleep that night, no it wasn't insomnia, Skylar had told me some horror story about Sponge-Bob so I decided to look it up, found pictures that won't be leaving my mind for as long as I live. Everyone in her house was asleep, so i decided to explore. Anna's house was actually, really nice compared to mine. She had a lot of snacks in her kitchen, I stole some...

As I walked down the hall, I found Anna's room with lights on. I knocked on her door. "Yo Anna, what'cha doin'?" I whispered against the door. She opened the door, greeting me with a sleepy blink of her eyes. "mmm Megan... What are you doing...? It's midnight..." Anna groaned in response. "I, just going to the bathroom." I lied, but I was a good lier believe me. "M'kay, back to bed for you.." Anna groaned again, pushing me too my room. "Nighty night Megan." She said, pushing me in and closing the door.

I stared at the dark ceiling in the dark room, that was temporarily mine. A grin peered onto my face, turning into a smirk. I quietly opened my door. I tip-toed to Anna's room. Her lights were off. I quietly opened her door, to see a sleeping Anna on her bed. I went onto the opposite side of the bed she was on, laying down next to her. I pulled the covers over us and wrapped my arms around Anna's small figure. She wasn't skinny, just kinda short... Anna rustled in her sleep, inching closer to my body. Before I could react, we were spooning and I didn't mind.

I woke up to find a smaller figure wrapped around me in some sort of hugging-cuddling thing. Right, Anna. I looked over to the clock on her night stand, 6:50am. We couldn't be driven till 8am so we had time. suddenly the body wrapped around me woke from it's slumber. "mmmm Megan... It's early isn't it? We can sleep in..." Anna groaned, unwrapping herself from me and stretching. "We've got time, mise well use it." I said, stretching with her.

We went outside of her room to grab some breakfast. I haven't had breakfast in a long time, and Anna made ROCKING eggs! Dang, she's the best cook ever! "Oh, Anna, thish ish REALLY goosh!" I said through a mouth full of her amazing scrambled eggs. She smiled back. ":Glad you like it.".

In the meantime, we decided we would do the science fair, since we each grabbed forms not to long ago. It was the start of the year, and they were hosting it. It feels really early in the year to have one. We filled out what we could as students and left the forms on the kitchen counter for her parents to look at.

Anna let me borrow her crutches luckily, and she helped me carry my stuff too. "Anna you don't have to help me, I'm sure I could find a way around it..." I said as Anna grabbed my saxophone from the trunk, along with my bags and her own. "Nah, it just wouldn't be fair to leave a friend like that, plus that's what friend's are for aren't we?" Anna replied, slinging the bags over her back and holding the door for me. "Megan, could you play for me sometime?" Anna asked as we walked in passing the main office with caution. I smirked at her question. "Well, we're already in enough trouble, wouldn't hurt to cause more.." I said as we continued to the gym.

I reached for my saxophone, hauling the case onto the seat next to me. "Oooooooh live performance by the one and only Mega Nutella!" Anna jumped with joy, yeah she calls me Mega Nutella what you got against it?! As I set up, Anna got out her school IPad (we were provided with them) and looked up one of my favorite songs, Shelter by Madeon and Porter Robinson. "Man, I didn't think to look for this!" I said, glancing over the virtual sheet music that was held up by my 'caddy', Anna. "You've never played it?" She asked, looking at me with a worried expression. "Well,I know the tune." I said, putting the reed onto the mouthpiece. I never liked solos or hearing myself play, so I always played quietly.

Upon the first few notes played, everyone started staring. I glanced around every so often, getting kinda anxious. I suddenly became very nervous, my knees were shaking slightly and I felt my face light on fire. "Pretend they aren't there, just close your eyes..." Anna cooed in a soft voice but loud enough for me to hear, I did what she said and.. It worked quiet well! Before I knew it, somebody (most likely Anna but I've no clue) turned on the actual song as I played along. Other band kids got their stuff out as choir kids started scream-singing the lyrics. I didn't think this many people knew the song...

The mini band we had put their stuff away a few moments before we were let out to go to class, this include me as well. "Dang, you're good for a beginner!"Anna said, giving me a pat on the back. "Heh, couldn't have done it without your advice." I replied, closing the case for Anna to carry. Once we walked into the band room, lots if kids were crounding us on our way to my band locker, chanting about the gym. Skylar ran over while Anna was putting my stuff away. "Okay, I won't ask about the crutches yet, but WHY DO YOU ALL THE SUDDEN HAVE PAPARAZZI!?" Skylar shouted. I shrugged my shoulders, walking to the lockers with Anna.

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