Chapter 17

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Today was Monday, nobody likes Monday's..

I got up before Anna, changing into dry clothes and fixing us breakfast.

I made waffles for Anna, not much but it's something!

I didn't plan on eating breakfast.

To pass time I decided to text Skylar.

Heya beatie! Ik you're most likey not you this early and are gonna be mad a me but I woke up early and wanted to text you!

I, surprisingly, got a reply

Oh hey there! Yeah I got the note. I got up early too honestly. I'd assume you weren't rejected? Anyways I got better news!

Yup not rejected! So big news huh? James ask you out. 😏

NO! Wtf Megan! Anyways, you know I told you about moving to Middleville.

Well the house is starting to be built! I'm moving at the end of the year to! I'm so EXCITED!

Oh that's great!

Really it wasn't good at all..

I dreaded the day Skylar moved ever since she told me in 5th grade. I don't know why, I think it was some job thing, but it slowly ate away at me. Everyday I hung out with her, the realization would hit me. I'd realize the moments won't happen anymore. She'll be gone. Yeah only out of town but it's still far!

I didn't say anything else to her. I got Anna up and served breakfast.

"This isn't bad.." Anna said, pouring syrup over her half-eaten waffle. She had over-done hers. She covered it with whipped cream, and now syrup... "Well least it isn't  burned." I said, taking the syrup away from her. "Aww man.." Anna pouted, stabbing the waffle with her fork and shoving it into her mouth. She couldn't keep a straight face, so she ended up laughing. Upon laughing, she spat the waffle everywhere, with all the toppings on it, across the table. "Anna really?! We have to clean this before anyone gets up." Anna kept laughing. "Here, you go laugh over the sink." I pulled Anna out of her chair, placing her infront of the sink. "Laugh into that." I patted her on the back. She laughed at that to.

I fetched paper towels, lots. I cleaned up what I could with them, throwing them out after. Once Anna's laugh attack was over, I made her take a shower. Least she would be out of the way. I took everything off the table, everything damaged from The Laugh Attack went on one counter while the clean stuff stayed on the other. The table cloth was clean as I could get it, so it went into the washer. I didn't know how to power it, so I just filled 2 little container things, closed them up, and started the washer.

After cleaning everything, by myself might I add, I made Anna put on new clothes and set the table back up.

"I don't get what was so funny." I said to Anna, putting my saxophone in my band locker. "It's... It's because... I was like... Pouty and... Couldn't help myself but laugh... Cause you weren't laughing... And I thought you would." Anna managed to say through giggles, her arm around my waist as we headed to class.

"Okay girls, your positions are on this sheet. Let everyone see it then go to your place on the field. We're going to practice with you on your assigned position!" Couch announced, putting the paper on the bench. Everyone crowded around it, lots of people fighting over who saw it. Anna and I waitied till the choas died down till we looked. "Oh, you're mid defense, and I'm... Midfield.." Anna sighed, putting the paper back on the bench. "Hey, we'll see each other sometimes. And I can help you score!" I smiled, even though it wasn't a true smile. Anna and I hoped to be midfield or defense together, but obviously that didn't happen.

When Anna and I worked together (like we did in practices/position auditions), we were unstoppable. Now that we're separate, it felt weird. Not having her there to discuss an elite battle plan with.

The coach and his assistant played against all of us as a way to test out how we were in our new positions. I tried passing to Anna many times, but I couldn't kick to the right where she was. And I was stuck in the center of the back field. I even had to stay behind the other defenders because I was a last resort. I mean what's that gonna help with?! I tried getting close to Anna when the offenders were on the other side, but Anna had to run the whole right side of the field, so she was all up with the offenders. She did occasionally come back by defense, but she wasn't allowed to get to close.

"That wraps up today's practice! See y'all tomorrow!" Couch chanted. Everyone ran to get their bags. "This isn't going to work Megan, we can't even get close.." Anna sounded down, and I was to. She grabbed our backpacks and I grabbed our soccer bags and my sax, heading to the car.

Once we got home, we had time till dinner so we went to the forest out back. Walking around there was fun, we even started mapping out the area, making landmarks to find out way back. While walking, we reached the end of the forest. At the forest's end, there was a huge hill. The drop looked far, but it was sloped for sledding perfectly. There was more forest in the distance and a small lake below. "Whoa.." Anna and I ran up the hill, the view was really something when you think. "I had no idea.. That all this.. Was right here.." Anna looked across the land, our legs dangling off the edge. "It's like, everything just goes on, for forever." I smiled, taking in the view. "One day, we should go swimming in the lake, or sled down the hill in December." I suggest, getting a "Yeah." From Anna.

We got home for dinner, having really good spaghetti. Luckily Anna's laugh attack didn't get a sequel.

Falling asleep that night was hard. Anna fell asleep before me, I could tell by her soft snoring. But I lied awake. My mind was focused on Skylar moving. What if Anna does the same? I don't know what I'd do without Skylar. She keeps Jack and I from killing each other, she stops constant fights between Jack and I. Basically she was the glue of the crew. She kept us together. Anna kept me sane to. If Anna and Skylar left, I wouldn't know what to do. Jack would never let me stay with him. I'd be stuck with my sex-sane parents.

I checked my phone before going to sleep, gentally and quietly unwrapping my arms from Anna to grab my phone from the bedside table. Lots of pictures from Skylar. They were all of her new house. All of the progress on the house so far. All the same picture. Sent about 50 times. I plugged my phone into the charger, slamming it onto the table. Realizing what I did, I froze in place. "Mm, Megan? It's Tuesday already?" Anna groaned. Shoot. I'd woke her up. This is great! That was sarcasm. "Heh, just ah Skylar being annoying.." I whispered, resting back into the bed. Anna wrapped her arms around me, placing her head in my chest (appropriately). She curled up into a small ball, holding me tight. "If you insist. Remember you can tell me whatever and I won't judge.." Anna whispered, holding her position. "Well, Skylar's moving at the end of the year. It might seem far right now, but time flies.. And everytime I do something with her, the thought of her moving finds its way into my head. Now I keep coming up with crazy situations, like you moving as well." I whispered, wrapping my arms around Anna. "Megan, I'm not moving anytime. If I do, you're coming with. We're forever." Anna cooed with a whisper, making me smile slightly. "Yeah. We're forever..."

With that, we drifted off to sleep.

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