Chapter 19

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Anna scanned over the note, handing it back to me.

"I wouldn't think Jack of anyone would do something like that." Anna said, still somewhat stunned. "I sorta knew him, he came up to the lockers with you alot." Anna definitely didn't like this topic. Her tone didn't sound like her natural happy one. "Shame yeah, not the thing you'd expect in middle school especially." I replied, putting the note back in my pocket.

Once we woke up the next day and got to school it was all gossip. People had bombarded our lockers asking me for the details about the suicide. I refused to give any, scared I could get in more trouble than I already am.

"For the last few minutes of class, Megan go into the cabinet and pass out Uno decks to each table. You can play Uno in groups of 6 max if you can stay quiet!" The teacher announced. I passed out the Uno cards. Anna and her table of 4 joined our table of 3.

"Oh really Megan?! I was so close to!" Anna whined, drawing a card from the draw pile. "THAT'S for making me draw 4!" I snickered in response. The one guy who shuffled the cards obviously didn't shuffle. Bailey, the girl who sits across from me, her whole hand was blue (her card hand). And everyone but one guy, Elliot, had power cards while Elliot had all number cards.

In the end, we got one full round in before the class being ordered to read since we were to loud. Anna and I had to get our books from her locker, so that's what we both went out to do.

"We need another Uno game, like a rematch." I said, grabbing my book from the locker we shared. "Yeah, maybe we could have a better shuffler..." Anna grabbed her book as well, closing the locker and locking it back up. "I still don't find it fair that you made me draw 4 a billion times.." I mumbled, getting a slight laugh from Anna.

Our new lunch group/gang consisted of James, Skylar, Owen, Anna, and myself. Anna said that her old spot wasn't really her place. And she also explained how she didn't want to be popular, she just wanted to be herself. Owen and James came to try to fill the empty space where Jack would sit. The new group was fun, but it didn't feel right without Jack.

Once we were let outside, the gang (oh you bet I'mma call it that) paced around the black-top. "Hey, what if we did something for Jack? I mean, he did just commit suicide IN school." Owen suggested. The gang gave him a nod.

The plan was to meet at his suicide location during 7th period. I'd make a copy of the note later to hang up in the bathroom. On the stall door, we would tape a typed out note that read "right in this restroom, on this stall door, Jack Cuddlefish committed suicide on September 30th, 2017. Jack held a dear place in the heart's of his friends, especially his boyfriend Owen Tona. As his friends, we want Jack to be remembered. Not just a one day paper headline, forever. Nobody deserve to be forgotten.."
Skylar would type the note and we would all sign it.

Once Anna and I got to practice, we were handed our game schedule. Great, first game tomorrow.. I really didn't like how Anna and I were set up, so we came up with a plan.

Yeah I had alot of elite battle plans.

Not many worked..

But this plan was: during the game, I'd pass the ball to Anna, who would carry it up the field. I would follow up with her, being her backup. We'd pass it back and forth till we got to the goal. That's when Anna would score. Yeah don't tell me defense is supposed to stay behind the line or midfield can't come back super far. There's a reason we're rebeling!

During practice we tried out our plan, which worked fairly well.

"All of you shush for one second, I can't understand!" I shouted into the phone. Owen, James, Skylar and I had a group call going right now. Anna was with me on my end. We were trying to figure out how to spread Jack's word. "I say we put up posters around." James suggested. "Nah, nobody looks at those! We should rent a billboard!" Skylar suggested, enthusiastic about her idea. "Oh yeah where are we getting the money huh?" Anna retorted in a stupidly funny voice. "Why doesn't Owen decide?" I asked. Owen was the closest to him after all and he definitely deserves a say in how we remember his boyfriend. "We can try all the ideas, besides the billboard sorry Skylar.." Owen said. I could here an "Awww." From Skylar. "We make a website, put up fliers or posters around to advertise it. And for a grand opening, a whole school assembly!" Owen suggested. I heard "Mhm." Over the phone. I think we all agreed! "Okay, Skylar has the typing, I have the copying, who does the site?" I asked. "I can do it!" Anna raised her hand, jumping up and down. "Okay Anna's got the site!" I announced. "What are we gonna say at the assembly?" James asked. "Guess we didn't think that far.." Skylar sighed. "We'll do like, maybe a speech?" Owen suggested. "Yeah, sounds good." Anna replied. "Oh and Owen, what are we calling the website?" Anna asked. "Oh, the Jack Project." Owen said. "Yeah, this whole thing, it's a project based off of Jack. Makes sense." Skylar commented.

I got my copy of the note done easily, putting it in a binder labled "The Jack Project". This would mean everything to Jack's relatives, his friends, and Owen. "Arg, yo Megs you know how to make a website?" Anna asked, facing her laptop screen to face me. "Here, you have to look it up. Also don't call me that.." I took the laptop from her grasp. I typed in how to make a website in the Google search bar. "Problem solved." I handed her the laptop back.

The next day at school, the gang hung out by Anna and I's lockers, discussing The Jack Project. "Did we decide whose doing posters?" Owen asked. We all facepalmed. "Megan why didn't you say something?!" Skylar spat. "Uh excuse me but I had nothing to do with that! I had my job already!" I spat back. "Well somebody's gotta do it!" Anna stated. "And fighting surely doesn't help." James butted in, pulling Skylar close to his side. "Okay, I'll do posters." Owen said, calming the mood.

7th period rolled around, and the plan was in action. Skylar taped the note to the stall door. "I don't see why we all had to come in the guy's restroom..." Skylar muttered, putting the last piece of tape on the paper. "Well we're all in on this aren't we?" Anna asked, taking the tape from Skylar to put it away. "Okay next step is posters, along with the speech.." I said, sitting down. Everyone followed suite. "Speech, I say we write it to start with a depressing theme, then give it the inspiration part." James suggested. James was really smart, along with Skylar. "I like it, but who's gonna say the speech, type it up, all that?" Anna asked. "I'll make the draft." Owen suggested. "And I don't mind more typing." Skylar commented. Before I could even get a word in, Anna pointed twords me. "I vote Megan speaks it! Count me out for that!" Anna stated boldly. "Well guess that settles that.." James muttered. "Uh I did NOT agree to that!" I pouted, crossing my arms. "Oh you'll live.." Anna snickered, patting me on the back.

I grabbed my saxophone from my locker, realizing today was when Anna and I's soccer plan was set into action.

Before we went out onto the field, I went over to Anna. "You ready?" I asked her. "Ready as I'll ever be.." She replied, jogging out onto the field as I followed, heading to my defensive spot.

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