Chapter 13

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The end if the day rolled into session, so I quickly put my science book away and went to the bathroom Anna asked us to meet at.
"Didn't think you'd come." Anna smirked, motioning to the inner part of the girl's restroom. "Why did you call the meeting?" I asked, sitting down in the corner as Anna followed suite beside me. "I-well-ugh, how do I say it.." Anna hesitated, putting a hand to her forehead as the looked to the ceiling. I held out my pinky to her, gaining her attention. "A promise for your thoughts?" I asked, smiling slightly. Anna's face grew a large goofy smile, her pinky interlocking with mine. "I have somebody in mind, like crush-wise. And I'd love to tell this person how I feel but, I can't bring myself to talk to her..." Anna said, averting her gaze from mine. "Well, first off, are you sure you could last with this person?" I asked, using my free hand to lift her chin just enough to meet my gaze. I could tell her cheeks were flushed. If I were in Anna's shoes I'd definitely be red as a tomato without a doubt. "I'm sure we would last the no such thing as middle school love stuff... But I'm scared she'll reject me, or just be in to much shock to respond, or..." Anna trailed off, tucking her knees to her chest. I took a quick glance to the clock, 3:50, we have to be at practice by 3:55. "Anna, if I were you, I would drop hints to her, or try to hang out with her. If you choose to I won't be upset, as long as you're happy Anna.." I cooed, catching Anna's attention. "Would I just know the right time? Or would it be like, ugh this is so hard!" Anna spat, taking her pinky back and standing up. "Forget it, she would never think the same! I doubt she's even gay for f*cks sake!" Anna shouted, stomping out if the bathroom. "Anna please!" I called, chasing Anna down. "No Megan! I know she doesn't think the same, she hangs out with some of the cutest girls in the school, I bet she's taken by that Skylar chick.." Anna spat, pushing me back. "Anna just listen! I wanna help you more than anything! I'm always here for anything you have to say, but just listen!" I pleaded. Anna stormed down the hall, I heard her footsteps echo down the empty hall.

To my luck, Anna still brought our bags and gear for practice. Once practice was over, we were silent on the drive home till Anna's mother spoke up. "Anna, your father is home, he'd be glad to see you, I was thinking a movie night maybe?" Anna's Mom asked, glancing back at us through the front mirror. "Oh, that's fine." Anna replied. Did she completely forget that I was here? That we JUST argued? Is she going to tell me anything about her father?

Once we got there Anna and I started on homework in silence, until I broke the silence. "Anna, I'm here for you when you ne--" I was cut off by Anna. "I get it okay?! Yeah yeah you're always there for me whenever! Just-- just get out!" Anna shouted, pointing to her bedroom door. I stuffed my binder into my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and storming it if the room.

I didn't care who asked me questions on the way out, I was going home wether I liked it or not!

Once I made it there, I knocked on the door, but no answer. I unlocked the door with the key I still had, throwing my bag down by the door. "Where the f*ck have you been?!" My father shouted, stumbling down the stairs. "I got lost, but I'm here now!" I plastered a fake smile across my face, my mother coming to greet my as well. "Well now that you're home, might as well put the new mattress to work!" She said, clapping her hands together. Before I knew it I was upstairs, tied down to a mattress.

After hours of pleasure from my parents, I was in my old room again, laying in my old bed. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, unlocking it to read some Wattpad stories. Once I turned it on, there was a notification, or message from Anna.

Yo Meg, how's life? Didn't mean to chase you out and before you say puberty got the best of me, no it didn't (I assure you). I don't know what happened but I'm 100% sure it wasn't puberty. Megan if you would like to come back go right ahead, your sax and soccer gear is here so you might have to... I'm sorry I scolded you, it's just something I don't normally talk about. But we're staying to our promise right? We'll prove 'em wrong! Also, when is your birthday?

I smiled while reading her message, replying right away.

Right, I'll be over soon. Your window as my entry or do you have a better idea? Yeah I realize everything I need is still at your place ;-;. Anyways, I never likes talking about crushes and all that either, even if I get a crush they basically take control of my life. Their the only thing I think about so I get where you're coming from. And if we're proving them wrong, we have to work together. I can't prove middle school friendship's last by myself! And birthday is an odd question, but it's September 21st.

I waited a few minutes, getting reply to start heading over. I grabbed my bag from the spot I threw it, carefully opening the front door and closing quietly behind me.

I booked it to Anna's place, but I brought my scooter since her's is just a Razor scooter. I rode as fast as I could to her place, setting my scooter by her basketball hoop in her driveway and running to her back window. She threw down a rope for me to climb. I'd never done this before, but it felt GOOD. I felt like a prince going for his princess.

I'll tell you this, climbing a rope on a flat, upward surface is difficult.

"So, about everything.." Anna pulled the rope back into the room, setting it aside. "Anna like I said, that stuff is hard to talk about.." I cooed, going up behind Anna and embracing her in a tight hug. Anna took herself out if my arms, turning her face twords mine. She gave me a sad smile, hugging he tightly and burrying her face into my chest. Yeah she was in my chest area but that's the least of my worries. I wrapped my arms around her small figure, pulling her close. Anna soon started crying into my chest, which I didn't mind. She was obviously in a weak state, and I plan on being there for her. She can yell at me forever, but it'll never change the fact that we plan to prove all of them wrong. And no matter how mad she gets at me I'll always have her floating around my head, have Skylar and Jack ship me with her, and my mountain sized crush on her will never change.

I, Megan Shooton, love Anna Maverick more than anyone or anything in this world, and I admit it.

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