Chapter 10

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"Megan, c'mon get up! We've gotta go!" Anna said, shaking my sleepy body. "Mmm, Anna where we goin' and why so darn early...?" I groaned, pushing Anna to the side. "I got gymnastics! Just throw these on and grab something from the cabinet we gotta go!" Anna shook m body again, throwing random clothes at me. I did what she told me and got in the car. "Well I didn't know you did gymnastics.." I muttered, taking out my phone and checking D-chat, it's what Skylar, Jack and I used to text. The group chat was changed for the hundredth time, and Jack was in one of his great depressions. I typed "Geez, guys I'm not here for what 2 days, and you all go mad!" In the group chat, putting my phone away afterwards.

"Okay, just go.. I don't know, something away from the lessons, m'kay?" Anna said, pushing me tword the foam pit. I'd never been to a place like this, lots of younger kids, most likely siblings of others here. I decided to show off to 'em, doing flips into the foam pit. Ooooh, there's trampolines here to! They were hidden in the back, but hey I saw 'em! I jumped around on them for a little while, doing flips etc. I'd say I impressed the youngsters. Once Anna's gymnastics were over, she told me that her mom would drop us off at the mall, giving us $50 to spend on whatever we chose.

While walking around, I saw a few people from school yeah, but one guy caught my eye. Jacob... "Oh Jacob! I had no idea you were here!" Anna cheered, running over to Jacob and wrapping her arms around him. I winced in disgust, not that I was against love and stuff, just, i didn't like the thought of Anna with somebody else as... More than friends.. I walked off to let them make out in dressing rooms and that sh*t, I don't have proof they did but I'm 99.9% sure it happened. While I was on my own, I bought a few shirts and pants for myself and some food. I just kinda walked around, looking for anything to spend the last of this money on. One room caught my eye, it was a... Disco room!? There was a DJ, disco floor, lights, you name it! I walked right in, no bouncer to stop me! I hit the bar first, taking a few shots of Vodka. This place's Vodka was very strong, but I held up. I drank about 3 or 4 glasses before taking my leave. I was slightly loopy, but it would wear off I'm sure. I wobble-walked out of the disco area, checking my phone. Shoot, Anna and I are meant to be picked up in 5 minutes, and I'm slightly drunk, lost in the mall. I decided to look around outside, maybe she thought I was out there. I looked around, but everything was blurry. I was squinting my eyes, but it didn't help. I walked out further, everything was now muffled noises. Then, I blacked out.

"Arg, god dammit, where the he*l am I?" I groaned, my vision still slightly hazy. "Oh, Anna? That you?" I squinted my eyes, looking at one of the many people in the room. One of them, looking shorter than the rest, seemed to be crying. Every inch of my body hurt, and it would be hopeless to fight this pain.

A few weeks had passed since I got hit by the car that day, and I was back to crutches. The only damage really was my broken leg, everything else was surprisingly alright! I was currently in bed with Anna, cuddled up with her in a very position since my leg was a large cast. Once the alarm went off, Anna handed me m crutches and we got ready for school.

I didn't plan on telling Anna, or anyone, that I was drunk that day. But during our E.L.A break, I heard yelling in the bathrooms. I stood just outside, making out Anna and a male's voice. "Look, Anna, please? I can give you more than ANYONE can, especially her!" "My word is final Jacob, I said it's OVER!" "Anna I beg you, we could show everyone that relationships last forever!" "Jacob, I'm choosing her over you for many reasons, you were just a test, now go." Anna's voice sounded stern, while the male, who was her a** boyfriend, seemed to be pleading. As they walked out, both stopped in their tracks when they saw me. Jacob walked by, while Anna rushed into my arms, almost knocking me over. Her face buried in my chest, she embraced me in an everlasting hug, which I hoped would NEVER end. "So, might as well ask the obvious here... What all did you hear?" Anna asked, somewhat worried. We walked back to class, having a conversation about her relationship with Jacob. She told me that Jacob wasn't planned to last, just a test to see if she wanted love or not. She said that she had somebody else in mind, which made me happy but also sad.

Would this 'other person' be me by any chance? If so, what would happen when others found out? And my concern, how would Jacob react if he saw Anna with somebody else?

Author's Note: Heh, sorry for mot updating... I planned on doing one big mega update, then remembered I had this chapter... whoopzies...?

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