Chapter 18

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The next day in 2nd period, Anna kept looking back to me. That day we had a sub teacher and new assigned seats. Anna's seat was the group infront of mine, so if I looked forward, I saw her (mostly the back of her head).

During class, she kept stretching. I don't think she was stretching. Everytime she stretched she would look twords me. During a boring video we had to watch as well, I would talk with the guy next to me about weird stuff.

Me and the guy were talking about how he was going to get high off of a cocaine-infused Twinkie. Another person in my table group and I would talk about how boring the video was

During the boring video, Anna kept looking back at me to. She kept throwing looks at me.

I informed Jack and Skylar of this at lunch.

"Oh Megan! Dang you GOOOOOOOOO girl!" Skylar cheered, basically shouting the word go. "Megan I think she likes you." Jack smirked.

Jack got me into this mess, he was going to help me fix it.

He was not cheating his way out if this.

He wouldn't right?

I was even slightly late today to meet up with Jack for our plan.

The plan had upgrades since the last time. Sorta...

I would tell Anna to meet me at  the classroom while I  put my saxophone in my band locker. Jack would go upstairs to my locker to make sure Anna was already in the room. Once he met up with me downstairs and confirmed Anna was in the room, I'd get my things for the day and head to his locker. After we got both our stuff we'd part ways.

I should be thanking Jack since I'd liked Anna for a while now...

"Jack she looked like she was stretching.." I sighed. "That's a likely story." Jack's face still plastered with a smirk. He shipped Anna and I for sure.

"Oh speak of the lady.." Skylar pointed behind me. Turning around I saw Anna walk by. Weird, she never buys lunch...

I swore Anna snuck a swift glance in my direction.

Once we were at recess, I had my main focus on Anna. I was determined to know if after Jack confessing for me that she actually liked me.. You could say I was slightly desperate.....

Skylar was chatting with me and all, but I wasn't paying attention. I think Anna was looking at me while she waitied in the basketball line. I couldn't see from the distance I was from her.

"Megan, so your friend Jack I think? Yeah he er.." Anna trailed off. We were in our secret bathroom meeting. "Oh yeah, that..." I tucked my knees to my chest, burrying my face into my hands. "It's true isn't it?" Anna questioned. I wasn't responding to that.

Anna poked my head with her extended pinky finger. "For forever right?"

This caught my attention. Lifting my head from my hands and interlocking our pinkies.

"It's true. I couldn't bring myself to say it. It's stupid I know and I doubt you're lesbian or whatever." I muttered, not making eye contact.

Anna, keeping our pinkies Interlocked, inched closer to me. She lied an arm across my back while leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Does this mean..?" I gave her a questioned gaze while she just smiled.

"Always the lockers right above and below each other huh?" Anna laughed slightly, breaking the interlocking and giving me a tight hug.

Of course I hugged back.

"Anna you have no idea, how realving this is. Right now. This is the best moment. In my life." I held her tight.

"Well, does this mean.." Anna broke the embrace, standing up.

I stood up as well, patting her on the head. "If you'd like it to be.."

"Yeah, I'd like that.." Anna smiled, looking to the clock. "Well see ya around?" Anna waved goodbye, going back to her 8th period.

I went back to the bathroom. Well my excuse was to get something from my locker but I knew I wasn't allowed back to the bathroom after the meeting, and I was really thirsty!

Once I got down to the bathroom, I peeked into the guy's side. I saw half of what looked like a chair that had fallen over. Being the dummy (and cross dresser) I am, I went to investigate.

Once I walked all the way in, I covered my mouth with my hands.

What was before me, would never leave my memory.

Infront of me.

Was Jack.

But he wasn't let's say... Well..

He had hung himself. At school.

I saw how we did it to.

Of all people, it had to be Jack.

He had tied one end of the rope to the hook on the inside of the stall door. He put the noose around his neck and stood on the chair. The rope was just long enough to have him barely above the ground when he jumped off the chair.

He must've done this recently. But I was just here about 15 or 20 minutes ago, and his 8th period is downstairs..

On the floor was a paper. Oh great a note to go along with it! That was sarcasm I hope you know.

Dear whoever might be reading this.

My name, was Jack Cuddlefish. There are many things I'd like to write here that words couldn't describe. To Megan Shooton, my ex. I never got over you and you knew it. I know a quiz can't prove depression. I know I  sent you things I regret. Megan if anyone deserves h*ll it's me. You were everything I wanted and I screwed us up. Maybe Anna will like you, who knows? Skylar Hooseo, the one that kept Megan and I from suicide and war. I'm sorry if you see this. I know this isn't something you'd approve of. After Megan was down the drain for me, you were my next bet. Until James came along. But hey, Owen was great! And Owen Tona, my boyfriend. You meant everything to me and everyday you gave me a reason to live. A new memory to charish. I thought that you would be the answer, but I was once again wrong. I wish I could be there for the day Megan and Anna become girlfriends. The day when James and Skylar get married. And the day when Owen and I become the famous clarinet and saxophone duo. Nobody made this happen but me, so don't blame yourselves for my mistake.

I'm watching over you, sending prayers for you all to turn out better than me.

-Jack Cuddlefish

I clenched the note close, folding it and putting it in my pocket. I ran back to class, but not before stopping at my locker to grab a random book.

Once I got back, I ran up to the teacher telling her about Jack and showing her the note.

The school went on a lockdown. Everyone was out in the front yard of the school. We were all just one pile of kids. I met up with Skylar first through the croud.

After showing Skylar the note, we shared a small and short hug.

When Owen saw it, he broke into tears. Since Owen's bestie was James, James comforted Owen about the situation. I wasn't showing anyone else this note. Not even Anna.

Nobody knew why we were in lockdown but the few people I told along with myself. Practice was cancelled so Anna's Mom picked us up.

Anna and I went to the forest in her backyard, walking to the small hill. We decided to call it Sunset Hill, since you could see the sunset perfectly from it.

Anna and I sat there taking in the view for a while, till I spoke up.

"Anna, there's no place I'd rather be right now.." I lied an arm across Anna's shoulders, pulling her close. "Me too." Anna smiled, leaning her head on my shoulder. "Hey Anna?" "Yeah?"

"This is sudden but, I know why we went into lockdown.." I pulled the note our from my pocket, handing it to her.

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