Chapter 6

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A few months passed, Anna and I stuck to our promise. Skylar had broken up with Jack, but both handed well and decided to stay friends. Skylar found a new boyfriend, James, and they were DEFINITELY a power couple. Jack turned out to be gay, and started dating Owen from his band class. I remained a single pringle. As usual, my friends left me to get popular, that's what Skylar and Jack did, they even were besties with who the school calls the "Bangtan Boys", korean students who only 1 of them can speak English. Anna and I always went to the practice rooms, even at lunch there sometimes. Mr. Booshear let Anna use a loaner saxophone since we started doing things in the book and sheet musics more often. Lots of times we would find duets in the book and play, or duets online. Anna and I even started using each other's lockers, subjects split between them. Nothing was mentioned about the teacher incident that happened months ago, so we were in the clear.

"Oh, please... Pretty please..?" Anna pleaded, I just kept looking at the wall. "Anna my answer is no, how many times do I have to say it?" I said, not bothering to look at her. "One round?" She begged, moving into my sight and putting her hands together. "Fine, but no promises it'll happen again, okay?" I spat, getting up and getting into the knockout line with Anna.

My turn, I regret everything. I had to go against Anna, of all people... "Good luck." Anna said, smirking and patting my shoulder. Shoot, Anna got a head start, she had noticed the balls being given sooner than me. Missed my first shot, but Anna did to so we were fair there. We shot a few times, I think tying it up.

My turn again, we got back into the shooting line and I was once again against Anna. Both of us made the first shot, and the second, and the third. We passed the balls to the next people in the shooting line.

We were the last people in the shooting line, against each other for how ever long this goes on for. I heard the crowd cheering for Anna, because let's be real, who gives a sh*t about me? Our match went on forever it felt like, both of us tired from running back and forth for balls, then to the starting spot, then for the balls, over and over.

Recces ended before a winner was declared, but everyone watching seemed to think Anna would win without question. I'll admit, I haven't played basketball in a long time.

End of the day, everyone's favorite thing. I walked to the lockers. Weird, Anna's normally here... Must be let out late. I opened Anna's locker, where all my take home stuff was. I was grabbing my stuff, when I found a slip of paper under them. I didn't care if this was for Anna, I was gonna read it. Let's be real, WHO WOULDN'T?! As I unfolded the paper, reading it to myself.

Dear Megan,

This is for you and you only. I like you alot, like... Words can't describe. I love hearing your voice, and your saxophone skills are amazing! You're unlike the rest, you stand out, and I like that. You don't have to be popular to stand out, you make that statement real. There's still secrets within you, I doubt I've scratched the surface, but I want to be there for you, forever. To sum this all up, Megan, I love you, more than a friend. You're my everything, and you might think this is a joke, but it's not. Megan, you've opened a whole new world for me, you were that extra boost to help me realize, you were what I was missing.

-Sincerely, Your Admirer.

I looked at the note in shock, not only was it in ANNA'S locker, but it was addressed to me?! I stuffed the note into my pocket, greeting Anna as she walked over, she was my ride after all.

I basically lived with Anna, I refused to go home, I didn't want to deal with my parents. Most nights I would sleep in the guest room, but others, I snuck into Anna's room to sleep in her bed with her, cuddling and all that. I debated whether to tell Anna about the note, I didn't want to scare her but, I didn't want to like a stranger. I have somebody on my mind, somebody who will last me a lifetime...

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