yeah.. I agree

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"You ready to go?" I asked him.

"I think so.." Ash replied.

We headed out the door and buckled into my car. I noticed that Ash was getting really anxious. I reached out to grab his hand.

"you'll be okay, Ash. I'm here for you." I reassured him. He nodded, and we started off to Kim's house. There wasn't much talk on the car ride there, but before we knew it, we were in her driveway. Ash turned to me, and smiled nervously. 

"Let's go." I say calmly. I exit the car and walk to the other side. 

"Ethan I..." Ash began to say. I turn to him.


"N-nevermind. let's go." Ash stuttered. We make our way up Kim's steps. I knock on the door.

"Oh, it's Ash and his new boyfriend." Said Lilly, to Kim.

"ugh, let them in." Kim said snottily. 

Ash and I walk in, to see neatly placed bags and boxes filled with Ash's things.

"Figured you didn't want to stay here for very long, so I packed your shit." said Lilly.

I nodded, and took 3 of the 6 bags and boxes. Ash took the other 3, and we started to exit Kim's house.

"Wait, Ash." Kim said.

"What, Kimberly?"

"I... I'm sorry." Kim said.

"Bullshit." Ash replied, "After all this time, of me giving in, and believing every single fucking word you say. I'm DONE with you Kimberly. I'm so FUCKING DONE!" 

Kim looked at Ash in shock. Like, disgusted shock.

"Well, at least I'm not a little bitch who texts the group chat instead of saying shit to my fucking face!" Kim shouted.

"Oh, bullshit! I wasn't coming home that night and you knew that shit! I needed a break from you and you pretended you had no fucking idea in the world why!" Ash retorted. 

"Who was there for you when you needed support? Who picked you up off the curb of downtown LA because your house was being taken from you? Who was there for you when your grandpa, the only support you had for a long time, passed away?" Kim asked, aggressively.

"You, but that doesn't make this situation any different. I didn't know you'd be such a controlling person, Kimberly. Now let me get the FUCK out of this goddamn house!" Ash yelled, causing the veins in his neck to show, very clearly. 

"fine, I can't believe you're leaving the only person who was there for you. Leave bitch. And my name is Kim, not Kimberly." Kim said.

"I'm no longer your friend, I no longer call you by your nickname." Ash replied.

"Fine then, leave, Ashley." Kim said, aggressively. Ash hoisted the boxes up, and left very quickly.

"As for you Ethan, take care of him. He needs the help." Kim said, rolling her eyes.

I don't reply, and simply walk out and pack the boxes into the trunk.

Ash is already in the front seat by the time I finish packing the boxes and bags in the trunk.

"Hey, wanna get a coffee?" I ask.

"you know it." Ash said, turning to me.

"and you know what sounds really good right now?" 

"What?" I replied.

Ash pecked me on the lips.

"Yeah... I agree."


Hey guys! I finally finished the story! It's been so long since I've been on here and I'm glad to be back! Let me know what story you guys would like to see next, and I'll see you in my next one!!!

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