The next day, Taylor walks in the cafeteria. Her nose scrunching in disgust at the mixed smell of grease and hormonal teenage boys. She lines up to get an apple then proceeds to leave for the bleachers on the field. She liked the outdoors. Her chances of seeing Romee were better when she was there. Once again, if she was lucky anyway.
It's been years since this whole cat and mouse game. Could it even count as one if one wasn't aware there's a game to begin with?
Taylor guesses she's lucky today. There she is. Wavy blonde hair draped on toned sun-kissed shoulders were on full display from the baby blue sleeveless top she wore. Her legs in her skinny seemed to be going on for days. Taylor's breath caught in her throat. How was someone this beautiful, she didn't know. It was unfair how she was put into this earth with all the other mediocre beings. The brunette truly believed no one would ever look decent stood next to her. She was it.
Taylor felt a smile grow on her face watching Romee converse with her friends animatedly. The blonde titled her head in confusion as Davis High's head cheerleader, Jasmin, leaned in to whisper something in her ear. Taylor wishes she could be one of the blonde's friends but that seemed very unlikely. The brunette was too shy and the other girl was so out of her league.
If the stars align one day, just maybe so, Romee would actually know who she is.
She turns her head away and squeezes her eyes tightly when she sees Laurens come into view and lean in for a kiss on her darling face. Wow, that stung. Really stung.
She sighs and throws the apple in a nearby can before standing up and forcing her feet to move her away from the field. Even though she hated leaving knowing Romee was still around, she liked having the courage to deny her — not that the blonde would notice but still it was nice knowing she still had some control.
When class ended, Taylor hurriedly pedaled her way home. Today was a very important day...for her parents anyway. The annual year end party at the country club was tonight, Taylor's mom was hosting it and she insisted all of her children be there. The brunette wasn't a very big fan of having to come to any of her parents' parties. She didn't like having to be forced to wear dresses or have makeup applied on her face. It made her very uncomfortable. She couldn't say the same for her younger siblings. They truly loved being in the spotlight and having to show off whatever was going on in their lives.
"Taylor, honey!" Jen, Taylor's mom, yelled from the kitchen.
Taylor backed away from the stairs where she was heading and made a beeline for the kitchen. Jen's auburn hair was put up in a very neat bun, the teenager noticed her mother was still wearing her silk robe from this morning. "Why don't you get up and ready? Hair and makeup will be here in a few, you look like a mess dear!"
"I was on my to, mother." She thought in her head.
Taylor faked a smile and went upstairs without protest. She loves her mother, she really does but sometimes she can't help but feel they don't connect. It wasn't like how they were before when Taylor was younger, she used to tell her mom everything. The weird encounters when she went to the bookshop with her dad, the curious thoughts that would wander in her head. Now that she's older and realize their personalities aren't alike, she can't help but feel so far away from her.
Exactly half an hour later, some of Jen's closer friends from the club as well as the hired glam team arrived. Taylor didn't mind her mother's friends. They didn't meddle with Taylor's life, or comment about her lack of. The older women were much alike, married to successful husbands who liked to play golf during their past time.
"You have really thick hair," the woman said behind her, looking very distressed as she tried to comb through her indeed very thick hair. Taylor's cheeks turned bright pink. She hated when people pointed that out, she always felt very self-conscious. Just one more thing that she should start disliking about herself.

RomanceTaylor Monroe always kept to herself. She genuinely enjoyed spending her weekends and weekdays alone, losing herself in the bundle of notebooks she'd spend hours filling with beautiful poems and thoughts no one else would understand but her. Sometim...