"I can't believe you don't like matcha," Romee says incredulously as she drags her tongue against the tasty treat, humming in approval. "Everybody likes matcha."
"Apparently I'm not everybody," Taylor replies as a matter of fact and scrunches her face up in disgust when the blonde waves the matcha flavored ice cream on the younger girl's face. "Besides, matcha tastes like actual grass."
"It does not," the blonde narrows her eyes in an attempt to be angry. "How do you even know what grass tastes like?"
"I don't. But that's what I imagine for it to be like."
"You have horrible taste."
"In ice cream?" Taylor clarifies and eyes her vanilla ones to make sure they were still intact and not dripping down her sweatshirt.
"In general. Okay yes in ice cream." The blonde lets out in defeat when she's kicked on the leg.
"So who do you think would win a combat between Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise?"
"Taylor, you can't just spring out complicated questions like that! You're gonna have to give me time to think," Romee waits until the brunette shrugs in approval. It took her approximately two minutes to settle on an answer she felt she was contented enough with. "Okay I know."
"So who?"
"Me," Romee slams her free hand on the table for emphasis as she giggles to herself. "It's definitely me."
"What? You're unbelievable," Taylor shakes her head. But she purses her lips in thought and gestures to the blonde's ice cream. "And how do you plan on taking either of them out? If you give me a good enough explanation I'll have a taste of your grass ice cream."
But even before the game began, Taylor was very well aware she had already lost to Romee. The blonde didn't even have to try hard for her. That's how much head over heels pathetically in love Taylor was. She quickly dismissed the thought and focused her attention on the blonde who raised her hand up like an excited kid on her first day in Kindergarten. Taylor had to bite her lip to suppress the smile from forming on her face.
It was crazy how every action Romee performed affected the brunette so much. And kind of irritating for herself.
"That's easy," the blonde shrugged and brushed her shoulders as if to flick dust away. "With my charm?"
"Your charm?" Taylor face palms and clicks her tongue. "Fine, I guess you are kinda charming hm."
"I believe so too."
"I mean, never mind the fact that Keanu Reeves can take out his enemies with a single pencil. You can definitely beat him with your...so called charm."
"Matcha ice cream time Taylor," Romee smirks and pushes her hand holding the cone filled ice cream towards the brunette. "Don't cry too much."
"I hate you so much," Taylor takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, meeting the ice cream halfway. She waits and waits until she feels something cold press against half of her nose and lips. "Romee!" Taylor groans.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry," Romee says insincerely and stifles her laugher. "I couldn't help it. I had to. You know I had to."
The brunette scans the area and eyes the marble tissue holder perched on their table. She grabs a couple and was just about to clean her face off when Romee grabs her hand. "Let me do it," she says softly and exits the corner to sit beside her.
Taylor could feel her heart beat faster and louder than the thunder outside of the shop. The sound makes the blonde jump in surprise and she scoots a little closer to Taylor. The brunette almost leans further into Romee's hand cupping the back of her neck as the older girl began dabbing the tissue unto her face.
"See if you didn't have to be annoying you wouldn't have had to do this," Taylor whispers.
"Shhh..." Romee replies and grabs more tissues. "You're ruining the moment."
"Moment? What moment?"
Romee sighs and resumes cleaning, "I'm being charming obviously."
"Sorry, couldn't notice with all that ice cream on my face."
"Oh dear," Romee shakes her head in disapproval. "I wonder who put that there, you poor baby."
"Some horrible horrible being did, save me from her." Taylor plays along then grunts when the blonde kicks her this time around. "Don't do that you silly girl."
"I think we should dance." Romee lets out.
Taylor's eyes grow ten times larger when she realizes the blonde wasn't kidding. "You're serious? I can't dance."
Romee shakes her head and looks around, they were the only ones in the shop plus the old woman at the counter going through some papers. "Anyone can dance, come on." The blonde pulls Taylor up even with so much protest from the latter and the pair head over to the coin-operated machine.
"A jukebox." Taylor says out loud.
"Yes," Romee fishes for a coin on her back pocket and her smile on her face deepens when she looks through the songs. "Ah, my favorite."
Romee steps back and bops her head to the tune. "Wow," Taylor breathes out. "I didn't know you listened to old music. My father loves this song."
"So did mine," Romee smiles as a wave of nostalgia hits her. "Come on."
The blonde pulls Taylor to her and she twines her arms around the younger girl's neck. "Home is where I wanna be," Romee sings along to Talking Head's This Must Be the Place. It was all very cliché and cheesy. Taylor loved every second of it.
The pair moved smoothly with the music and Taylor twirls Romee around in time, pulling her closer than ever. The old woman behind the counter eyes the two girls moving in sync to the beat, laughter filling the room at the ridiculousness of it all. She couldn't help but remember her late husband, dancing to the same song in 1983 under the stars. They were very much in love, just a couple teenagers back then like the two girls in front of her.
The song ends and Taylor leans against the jukebox in order to catch her breath. "So? How did I do?" Romee asks as she positions her hand over the machine and rests her chin above it.
"Excellent," Taylor breathes out and nods her head in approval. "You were very charming in deed." The brunette laughs when Romee pumps her fist in the air.
"Really? So I assume you were very much swept of your feet then?"
"Maybe," Taylor winks teasingly and the older girl pushes her out of the shop with her. The weather was getting better, and the skies began to clear up. "Life is going to suck without you." The brunette whispers minutes after once they've come close to the rink.
"Don't say that, I'm always going to be here." Romee bumps their shoulders when the brunette doesn't answer. "Okay?"
Taylor begins to talk a few steps further but Romee holds her back, "What's wrong?" the brunette looks back and sees Romee in an internal conflict with herself. "Hey, is everything okay?"
"No, I'm fine," Romee shakes her head and wraps her arms around the brunette tightly. It wasn't what she planned to originally do but if she had done what she thought of she probably wouldn't get a good night's sleep for a long time. "I just wanted to let you know I...I really appreciate you."
"Me too," Taylor melts into her embrace and wishes for it to never end but she knew that couldn't be. Laurens and their friends were only a few a meters away from them. "One day you'll know."
Know what? Romee wanted to ask but decided not to press when the brunette lets go and begins to walk away.

RomanceTaylor Monroe always kept to herself. She genuinely enjoyed spending her weekends and weekdays alone, losing herself in the bundle of notebooks she'd spend hours filling with beautiful poems and thoughts no one else would understand but her. Sometim...