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Ever since that night in Taylor's bedroom, Romee has been more comfortable with the brunette than ever. She was more expressive and would not hold back on any information deemed confidential if it were someone else. She'd been more touchy too, wrapping her arms around Taylor every now and then or entwining their fingers absentmindedly — still she was unaware of how those made Taylor feel. Unaware of the jolt of electricity that shot through her when flesh was pressed on flesh, unaware of her pulsating heart in rhythm with the glorious sound of Romee's laughter.

Taylor had never felt so confused in her life. She didn't know why Romee was like that with her. Sure, she was a little touchy with Jas as well but never as much as she was with the brunette. What does this mean for her, Taylor would think. Probably nothing, she would add.

"Pretty, isn't she?" An unfamiliar voice asks. Taylor turns to see a boy who looked to be just her age, he was tall, lanky and had freckles scattered across his nose. He's cute. She furrows her brows in confusion not understanding. He beckons his head to the side where her eyes were set ogling just over a minute ago before he interrupted. "Romee Carey," He laughs, no, scoffs rather bitterly and shakes his head before raising the glass in is boney hand and gulping nearly half of it. She sees him cringe and realizes he's not one to party as well.

She wonders briefly if like her, was forced to come to them by her friends or if he willingly dressed himself up for the party and pushed alcohol into his system. "I have no idea what you're talking about," She lies pathetically. It was pretty obvious. The entire night all she did was look longingly at the blonde, Laurens' arms on her waist as if to tell everyone else to back off. Claiming what was his. Often times she'd stare a little longer, unable to look away — captivated. Romee's eyes would flick to hers and immediately the brunette would look away.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." He runs his hand through his curly hair and sighs. Taylor thinks he's actually pretty cute, she realizes he's one of the photographers for the yearbook club. Romee was part of the club for a short while too but ultimately backed out, she'd been joining too many clubs and her packed schedule was starting to take a toll on her. "You know, we're very much alike."

Taylor raises her brow and crosses her arms, she didn't like being alike with anyone. She wanted to believe nobody was like her, that she was a unique being. "Oh? How so?" She eyed him curiously as he shifted so that half of his body rested on the couch and he was facing her.

"Well for starters, we're both pretty smitten by Romee." Taylor feels herself tense and shift uncomfortably in her seat. "Second, she doesn't see us —"

"We're friends," The brunette cuts off, an edge to her tone. Romee now knows who she is, heck they hang out pretty much every day after school. "Can't say the same for you," she shots back. She sees a twitch of anger cross his face before he smiles.

"Yes, but does she see you?"

Of course she doesn't, but the brunette still felt the need to defend herself from whoever this guy is. "And lastly, we act as if the thought of her boyfriend having all of her — his hands running over the places we never will, doesn't bother us." He ends with a wicked smile.

Taylor had to admit, there were times her mind would drift off towards Romee...naked. But the thought of someone else having done the same thing made her feel unsettled. She then realizes there were probably more than just them who's ever done and she feels sick to her stomach.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you've never thought about," He says teasingly and thrusts his hips.

Taylor's grip on the glass visibly tightens, her knuckles turning white. She tells herself to calm down before she could do something she'd later on regret. He was wrong, they weren't the same. What she felt for Romee was pure adoration, plain and simple. It was love, even. Whereas this boy claims he feel for her but she was pretty sure those feelings were clouded by his lust and desire for her.

"You're sick."

"I'm sick?" He scoffs and leans back into the couch with a mischievous smirk on his face. "I'm not the one hiding a bunch of love letters and photographs in my locker about her and then turning around, pretending to be friends with her BOYFRIEND when in reality all you're trying to do is snatch her away from him." The corner of his lips twitch once more when he sees the brunette shake in fury. "You're a hoax." He ends and stands up and leaves.

She couldn't believe what happened just then, someone knew of the feelings she possessed for the blue eyed goddess. He knew of the the letters she spent hours from dusk till daw and the photographs she initially thought were discreetly taken. Her eyebrows furrowed further in thought, what scared her the most was the hint of malice in his eyes matching the bitterness of his tone. "Hey," Soft warm fingers touched her shoulder and Taylor visibly relaxed a bit. She turned around to face Romee whose smile dropped at the frown painted on her face. "What's wrong?" The blonde asked softly, worry lines forming on her forehead. Taylor looks at her for a while, searching for any sign of feigning worry but she sees none. Just pure concern etched on her marvelous face.

"Nothing," Taylor shakes her head and looks away. Romee looks unconvinced but decides not to push it, if her friend was ready to talk she'd be all ears. For the mean time she reaches down for her hand and intertwines their fingers, grasping the brunette's hand and pulling her closer. "So, hotdogs and burger?"

"Sure," Romee smiles lightly and leads them to the back where Oliver was grilling the food. The smoke and aroma emanating from where they stood made the brunette's stomach grumble loudly. The blue eyed beauty snickers as Taylor shoves her away and hides her face bashfully. "Oh come on Tay," Romee teases further and Taylor looks over at her grumpily.

"I hate you." Taylor groans and crosses her arms.

The brunette feels toned arms wrap securely around her waist and chin resting on her right shoulder. "No you don't," her breath is hot against Taylor's ear, it makes her shiver and goosebumps start to breakout along her sun-kissed skin. Taylor hums in agreement and leans back into Romee's body for comfort.

"You smell really good." Taylor says out of the blue. She mentally slaps her face when she realizes she had just said that out loud. Romee really did, she smelt of lavender and Taylor inhaled her scent once more — holding it inside her with hopes of never missing it.

"Thanks babe," Romee replies and unwraps her arms around Taylor, heading over to Oliver to retrieve a couple of hotdog on sticks.

Taylor exhaled deeply in defeat. No matter how good Romee unawarely made her feel, she would never be hers. She could see in the blonde's eyes how much she loved Laurens. She looked at him like he put the stars in the sky. Her entire face would light up just upon seeing him, he was the main reason for the smile on her face. It wasn't her.

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