"I'm open! I'm open!" Laurens shots as he runs closer to Dave, his chest heaves and sweat prickles down his face. "Come on Dave!" But the brunette doesn't pass, he keeps dribbling the ball and tries to make as many fake as many moves as he can. He's good but he has no sense of sportsmanship. "Damnit," Laurens mumbles as his teammate is tackled on the ground and the ball is successfully stolen. They have a go at it for a few minutes before the referee blows the whistle and signals the end of the game. 1-1.
Taylor sat on the bleachers with Jas and Romee, both were cheering their boyfriends on. The lonesome brunette tried to look interested and cheer on for their school but it was a bad game. Inaccurate passes, more fouls than shots attempted, and there was the lack of sportsmanship.
The blonde was out of her seat the second the game ended, she stood close-by to the front of the bleachers. Taylor watches her closely with a wide and proud smile on her face, it was so infectious. She felt the corners of her mouth tug up at the sight of her, she was like sunshine. Her face drops when she sees Laurens frustratedly walk over to his girlfriend who offers him water. He gulps it all down in a few seconds and leaves without so much as a thank you or goodbye.
Taylor feels sorry for the blonde who stands there dejectedly. Jas, on the other hand, was attacked by a sweaty embrace from Oliver. "Oh my god, babe," she says incredulously as she playfully pushes him away. "You smell like a locker room of used football socks!"
"You are so rude."
"Hey," Romee smiles softly as she nears them. "So Laurens isn't coming with us, says he's gonna get an early night." Oliver doesn't blink an eye and suggests they head over to the dinner now, Taylor on the other hand doesn't miss the smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "Let's go?" The blonde gestures to the brunette who stands up without further protest.
"Ahh," Romee playfully opens her mouth from in front of her and gestures to the fries Taylor was greedily munching on. She smirks and picks one up, the blonde was already preparing herself before feeling the fry land on her forehead. "That's unfair! You totally did that on purpose you jerk," Taylor is in fits of giggles and she can't help herself.
"Okay fine, another one," she gestures and dips the fries in mayo. Romee opens her mouth again and catches the fry successfully in her mouth. She makes a show of it and flexes her arms playfully. Taylor reaches for her own drink and bites on the straw, clearly enjoying the view of the blonde's toned arms on full display. She notices some of the mayo on the corner of Romee's lips. She doesn't think twice when she reaches up to cup the blonde's chin with her left hand, forcing her face on the brunette. She then gently runs her thumb across the corner of her lips and she suppresses a deep exhale when she feels just how soft her lips and skin are.
"Thanks babe," Romee grins and even leans her face towards Taylor's hand. To the blonde, it might have just been friendly but the gesture sure did tug at Taylor's heartstrings.
From the corner of Jas' eye, she sees the exchange between the two as she listens to Oliver explain the scoring system of the football league again. She can't help but be curious when she sees a blush form on Taylor's face, eyes casting down bashfully. Romee doesn't seem to notice but Jas wasn't blind. She knew that look. That smitten look Taylor had on her face, she wasn't the first one who wore it for the blonde.
"Thanks you guys," Jas says from the backseat with Oliver and leans in to give them both a hug. "See you!"
Romee was the designated driver whenever the three went out so after dropping the dark beauty home, she drove them over to Taylor's without asking for directions. The whole car ride was silent and Taylor decides to break it first, "Do you mind if I turn the radio on?"

RomanceTaylor Monroe always kept to herself. She genuinely enjoyed spending her weekends and weekdays alone, losing herself in the bundle of notebooks she'd spend hours filling with beautiful poems and thoughts no one else would understand but her. Sometim...