Being certain about even the smallest things in live proved to be a difficult task to do for both teenagers and adults alike. Luckily for Romee, she has never had that problem. She was a self-confident woman and prided herself in how sure she was of the things she wanted to go, just as she had planned. And for majority of her life, she had been sure the right man for her was Laurens. It was always going to be Laurens. The star athlete was a leader, a wise one at that and he has never put his own ambitions before anyone else's, ever. He was selfless, even to those who did not deserve it. And he was kind, even when he wasn't shown the same goodness of heart.
Romee glances over to Laurens sitting beside herself, hunched over his cellular phone and taping away maniacally like he had been doing for several minutes. A small smile makes its way to her face and she thinks about how after all this time she and Laurens had spent together, all these years, Laurens was able to make her happy still. No matter how silly the situation. And that was because she knew they truly loved each other.
Then Romee straightens her back and eyes a certain brunette to the far end of the room. Quirky, awkward and extremely cute. Taylor raises her pointer finger up to her face and pushes the bridge of her glasses towards her nose as she concentrates on her task at hand, tongue out at the side of her mouth. What a dork, Romee thinks.
Romee couldn't believe how, compared to all her closest friends, little time she'd spent getting to know the younger girl. And in all that time she has grown to love her, a whole lot. It's difficult not to, Taylor and all that she is makes for a lovable person and she was certain the brunette wasn't well-aware of that. The blonde was like Taylor's constant cheerleader, always on her side, cheering her on even on her bad days. And it was wonderful to see just how much Taylor has grown. She was only a shy, insecure and timid girl back then when the two had met. And many times the brunette had refused to make eye contact with her, at first Romee thought it was because she didn't like her much.
Romee snaps out of her thoughts when Taylor catches her eye, the latter tilts her head to the side and furrows her brows in a questioning manner and the blonde bites her lip because it was moments like these that made her feel so unlike herself, so unsure. She hated it so much and loved it at the same time. The blonde got up without a word and walked towards her direction.
"Hey," Romee greets as she makes it to the last step. "What are you working on?" She then walks around the table and leans down on it so she could face the brunette.
"Just some paper I have to work on."
"Isn't that a paired assignment?" Romee points out when she sees a Gonzales next to Taylor's name.
"Well, yeah," the brunette breathes out as she closes the file and smiles sheepishly at Romee. "But he said he was busy, and that's not a problem like at all. So I'm cool with doing it alone."
"But that's unfair." Romee presses, brows furrowed together and Taylor laughs nervously sensing that the older girl was getting angry.
"Look it's fine, I promise. This way I won't have to worry about correction and all that stuff. It's definitely a win-win situation."
"How was prom?" Taylor was quick to change the subject before the blonde could protest any further. The event took place two days ago at the gym and she was sure most of the seniors had the time of their lives, but like Taylor had planned she had begun her advanced studies for finals. She made sure she kept herself preoccupied the entire night so she wouldn't have to think so much about how Romee was doing, with her boyfriend of course.

RomanceTaylor Monroe always kept to herself. She genuinely enjoyed spending her weekends and weekdays alone, losing herself in the bundle of notebooks she'd spend hours filling with beautiful poems and thoughts no one else would understand but her. Sometim...