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Sorry guys, I just realized Chapter 4 was left unpublished thought I'm pretty sure I had published it some time ago. Oh well, enjoy (:


It was the Monday of the next week. Taylor didn't bother to attend class the next day after Thursday's bittersweet events. She had wanted to go and express her utmost gratefulness for Romee but the thought of seeing Dave in school scared her to no end. Chase was kind enough to offer to be her personal security but she laughed it off despite the seriousness laced in her brothers voice when he said it.

Taylor couldn't miss another school day, she didn't want to be left behind her AP classes. She couldn't slack off now and risk losing her A's, in the eyes of her parents it was the only thing that made up for her lack of interest in their kind of lifestyle. She hesitantly removes the soft and comfortable covers from her face and sighs in content at how dim her room was. She didn't like when the curtains were pulled back, it drove her crazy.

The brunette gets up unenthusiastically and pads her way towards the bathroom where she takes a quick shower. She then blow dries her now dark locks quickly and changes into a pair of denim jeans and white cropped sweater.

"Shit," she mumbles under breath when she doesn't remember where her glasses are.

Taylor quickly throws her bag over her shoulder and storms over to Chase's room. He's barely awake so naturally, he falls off his bed when his sister barges through the door.

"God, Taylor knock!" Chase huffs and gets off from the floor.

"Sorry," the brunette replies sheepishly. She felt hypocritical now, scolding her siblings for not knocking when they would enter her room. "Have you seen my glasses?"

"No, ask mom though."

She makes her way down the flight of stairs and spots her parents sharing a cup of coffee. Her father was reading the newspaper while her mother sliced on an apple.

"Good morning," she says out of breath and plants a kiss on both's cheeks. "Have you seen my glasses?"

Taylor's mother looks up after a few seconds and puts the knife neatly back in its place on the table. "No, I told you to get rid of those a long time ago. I still have those contacts you refuse to wear if you want," Jen replies and takes a cup of coffee.

Taylor sighs in frustration, she liked wearing her glasses and she preferred them over the contacts her mother insists she uses instead. "I don't like contacts mom, they sting." She protests.

"Don't be overdramatic, I'll come get them."

Once her mother is out of view, her father puts the newspaper away from his face and gestures towards the cabinets. "I'm pretty sure I saw your mother hiding your glasses over there yesterday," without further ado he proceeds with his reading and acts as if nothing happened.

She hurriedly opens the cabinet and truth be told, there her glasses were. She reaches out for them and puts them on, kisses her dad once again before dashing out the door in hopes of avoiding another encounter with her mother. Jen would only try to convince her why she shouldn't wear them.

Taylor gets on her bike and begins peddling. She smiled as she felt the cool breeze of the wind breathe on her. This feeling, it was heavenly and she yearned for it everyday. Sometimes she'd wish Davis' High was a little further, that way this feeling could last longer.

A few minutes after, a car pulls up to her. It's Chase. "You sure you don't want to get in? It could save you a lot more time." His windows are rolled down and she could hear the bass of whatever trap music he was listening to.

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