|Shot 58| • Lipstick I • |Stenbrough|

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Requested by annoyingfreak_ :)
I hope it's okay I went with Stenbrough and
not Jyatt ~Jae👑

° ° ° °


I focused carefully in the mirror as I drug the soft substance across my lips, painting my lips a deep crimson red.

Nobody knew. I never told anyone, not even the Losers, about my secret passion.

I love makeup. And skirts. And pastel colours. I love it all.

And as I admired my lips in the mirror, I had a genuine smile. I love this lipstick.

I went to my closet and pulled out a pink skirt I kept hidden. I pulled out a baby blue T-shirt and slipped it on.

I took a moment to admire myself in the mirror. I smiled as I twirled around in the skirt.

I never understood why more boys don't wear these clothes or wear makeup. Or why girls didn't wear guys clothes too often.

Fashion has no gender.

I love my pastel colours and makeup and skirts and dresses and light T-shirts. I didn't care if they were 'girly', they made me happy.

But I knew others wouldn't be too keen to the idea of me wearing these clothes and makeup, so I kept them secret. I kept them hidden.


An hour until school starts.

I made my way over to Bill's since we always walk to school together. I knocked on his door, and his mom answered.

"Good morning, Stanley. Looking for Bill?" she smiled sweetly.

"Yes, ma'am" I answered politely, and she stepped aside to let me in.

"He's getting ready in his room, go right upstairs" she informed me.

"Thank you"

"Hey, Bill? Darling, Stan is here!" she called, and I smirked as I made my way up to his room.


"Bill! Stanley is here!"


I frantically put the makeup and lipstick away and threw the clothes back into my closet. Just as I finished wiping my face off, Stan knocked softly on the door.

"Hey, Bill? It's Stan" he said gently.

"U-Uh, yeah, c-come right in" I answered nervously.

He stepped in and smiled when his eyes landed on me.

"Hey. Ready for school?"

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