Cinema trip.

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"Now, our first show is in two days so we need to practice." Mariana said. They all went to get ready. There was a tightrope going across the ring for Willow, and ropes and hoops hanging down for Eve and Evan. There was a box for Cameron, and some fire sticks for Brett. There was also a stool for Paige. "Yay! What are we singing?" Willow bounced. "Come Alive from The Greatest Showman." Mariana replied. "Whats that?" Asked Paige. Brett shrugged. "Never heard of it." Said Cameron. "The Greatest Showman?" Asked Evan. "What about, The Greatest Showwoman?" Eve asked. "No, its a real movie." Mariana said. "None of you saw it?" They all shook their heads. "Lets go!" Mariana ran out, with everyone following her. They went to the movies. "May I please have 7 tickets to see The Greatest Showman?" She asked. "Ok." The man handed her the tickets. "Thanks!" She called, running off. They sat down with popcorn. They watched the whole film. "So, who was your favourites?" Mari smiled. "Um..I like Anne!" Said Eve. "I like W.D" Said Evan. "I liked Tom, because hes small like me. But I think hes smaller, definetly!" Paige said. "I liked Lettie because she didnt care about what other people said!" Willow said. "I liked Phillip." Said Cameron. "What about you, Brett?" Mari asked. Brett shrugged. "Who do you like?" Asked Paige kindly. "I was waiting for that question! I love P.T." She answered. "Cant we do the greatest show?" Willow asked, that was her favourite song. "No. We are keeping that for a big show." Mari said. 

Freak Show-A story by RileyDuffWhere stories live. Discover now