Preforming PT2

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"Some people long for a life that is simple and planned, tied with a ribbon. Some people wont sail the sea cause their safer on land, to follow whats written," Willow sang, slowly walking up her tightrope. Lee put all lights on her and no one else was on stage.

"But Id follow you, to, the great, unknown. Off to a world we call our own," Willow spun around and landed just on the tightrope.

"Hand in my hand, and we promised to never let go. Were walking a tightrope," Willow looked at the audience. 

"High in the sky we can see the whole world down below, were walking a tightrope....." As Willow held her note, Eve ran out and grabbed a rope. 

"Never sure, never know how far we could fall. But its all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking veiw," Willow hung over the edge, almost tipping off.

"Walking a tightrope, with you o o o o" Evan swung down and Eve spun.

"With you o-o-o-ooooo with you." Paige ran out with her flute, played three notes, cartwheeled, and ran back out.

"Mountains and valleys and all that will come in between, dessert and ocean." Twyla smiled as Eve and Evan took one of her arms each.

"You pulled me in, and together were lost in a dream." They passed her to Willow, who held her up, then dropped her. She bounced and flipped on the trampoline, then landed perfect.

"Always in motion!" Thomas and his horse Timmy came riding in, he waved as Evan swooped down and hit him. It was part of the act. He acted hurt and the crowd laughed.

"So I risk it all just to be with you," Lee set the spotlights on Paige as she ran out with Camerons box.

"And I risk it all for this life we choose," Paiges flute was heard as Cameron slowly came out of the box.

"Hand in my hand and you promised to never let go, were walking a tightrope." Brett and Bethany ran on, juggling and swallowing fire. This duo made the crowd gasp.

"High in the sky we can see the whole world down below, were walking a tightrope." Lee cranked up the music and Connor came on with his lion.

"Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?" Eve swung to do her handspring but she missed Evans hands. She slowly fell. She hit the floor hard and the crowd gasped. Everyone looked at Mari. "Just keep going," She mouthed.

"Its all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking veiw," Willow was more quiet and worried now. Eve began sobbing quietly as she was rushed off by Mari and Evan.

"Walking a tightrope," A lion came in followed by Connor, who was late. The song was almost over!

"With you o-o-o-oooooo with you, with you ooooooooooooooooo" Willow sat on the tightrope. She pushed it down a little. She then stood up, getting ready for her finish. She did a front airel. 

"With you," She sang quietly, everyone froze and the lights went out. They all ran backstage. Everyone went to get changed but the first thing Tom did was look for Eve.

Freak Show-A story by RileyDuffWhere stories live. Discover now