Chapter thirteen

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~A/n Happy st. Patrick's day!!!!! I'm not sure if it will still be saint patricks day by the time I upload this chapter but you never know. Either way I hope everyone enjoys their day! ~
Wow...I really took ages uploading this chapter...uh...well here you go... I hope you guys have a good day anyways!

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Asked Lance. They were in the car park and Lance had no idea what he was doing.

"Looking for Keith" Lance rolled his eyes. He should have known Pidge would pick the sarcastic answer.

"Well somebody's moody"

"Leave me alone I have my period " Lance yet again rolled his eyes. Pidge glared at him angrily, willing him to make a comment so that she should kill him.

"Periods can't be that bad " Pidge gritted her teeth and cracked her knuckles. This is where Lance started to regret all of his life choices and prayed that someone would get him away from Pidge. He looked at Shiro with eyes full of fear and begging for help. Shiro smiled and mouthed "you deserve this" Lance frowned. Nobody deserved Pidge's wrath.

"I'll show you what it feels like." Pidge summoned a rock and threw it at Lance as hard as she could. Lance fell to the ground whimpering.

"Imagine that, every few minutes as well as insomnia, headaches, blood and mood swings. How bad are they now?" Allura, Hunk and Shiro all started clapping.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry, they're horrible."

"Hmm" Pidge turned on her heels and walked in the other direction. She didn't really want to be around people right now.

"You deserved that" Shiro helped Lance up off the ground.

"Yeah thanks " replied Lance. "Now tell me, what are we looking for so maybe I can finally help."

"Anything that looks like a secret entrance to Lotor's hideaway."

"Why does that sound like a euphemism..." questioned Lance. Everyone looked at him with a judgemental glare. Lance quickly turned and went to the other side of the  car park.

Why am I even here? I'm useless they probably wouldn't even notice if I was gone.... I miss Keith. He made me feel wanted. Shiro has been really moody lately for some reason... it's almost like he's a different person.

Lance sighed and awkwardly patted the wall.

"How the hell do you find a secret en-" Lance yelped as he fell onto the ground. For a second he had thought he had slipped and internally scolded himself but....he had found it... the secret entrance."

"GUYS I FOUND IT" Lance jumped with excitement as everyone ran over to him.

"Woah. Good job Lance." For once Pidge didn't sound sarcastic. He didn't want to say that out loud though as he was scared she would yet again show him what period pain feels like.

Everyone clapped him on the back as Shiro examined the entrance (I feel like I'm writing a smut). Lance was finally closer to getting Keith back. He couldn't wait.

"Now everyone, remember as soon as we get in there our first priority is to kidnap Lotor. Nothing else." Lance frowned. What about Keith?

"Shiro, Keith's in there too, he's part of the team shouldn't our first priority be to save him." Hunk stated. The whole team excluding Shiro nodded in agreement.

"I'm the leader. I make the decisions around here. Not you guys so listen to me and obey me." Shiro had started to raise his voice and Lance didn't like it one bit.

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