Chapter One

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

"(y/n)! Wake up!" I heard my mother shout.

This startled me, and I ended up falling out of bed.

"Ow..." I mumbled while rubbing my head.

"Oops. Sorry Darling." Mom apologized before helping me up.

I then looked at my phone to see that it was... Only 7: 14am!?

"Mom! Why'd you wake me up so early?!" I whined.

"Because. Next week you go back to school. I figured you'd want some help getting used to getting up early before school started." Mom explained.

"Wait... But it's Friday... So that means... I only have today and two more days before hell starts all over again!" I exclaimed.

"Glad to see that you're finally catching on. Now that you're all caught up... I need you to go get some groceries." Mom said, before handing me a shopping list and some money.

"Why me?" I complained.

"I would do it myself, but I have an important meeting to attend. Plus, you need to learn to not be so lazy." Mom explained, before leaving my room.

School starts soon... And I'm spending it shopping!

This sucks!

I then quickly tossed on some (hopefully) clean clothes, and did whatever else I normally do to get ready for the day.

After I was satisfied with how I looked I headed downstairs to eat a quick bowl of cereal.

I would make (something else), but... Eh... This is so much easier.

Once I was done eating my cereal, I put my shoes on, grabbed my (bag/purse/etc), and exited the house after making sure to lock the front door.

As I was heading down the street to the store, I noticed a skeleton with a hoodie on walking down the street.

It took all my willpower to not stare. I should be used to monsters by now. After all, they appeared here near the beginning of the summer. But still... I've never seen a skeleton walking around in a hoodie before.




I then shook my head and continued walking to the store. After all, if I don't get the groceries my mom needs... She'll be in a fit...

-San's P.O.V-

It's been a while since monsters have come to the surface. Despite this, I still get stares as I walk down the street.

Though I can't really blame them. I'm something they're not used to, so of course they'd stare.

Guess it's just a bit harder since Papyrus and I split up. He said he wanted to explore the human world on his own. And I can't really blame him. I knew he'd grow up eventually, and wouldn't need my help anymore...

... But still...

... It's a bit bonely being all by myself...

Though I am enrolled in school now. Starts in three days. Toriel said it'd be good for me to do so.

Maybe I'll find a friend there. Or even just a purpose for me to achieve.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see to find out what happens.

Hello readers! Welcome to my first Undertale fanfiction featuring Sans! I'm really excited to write this, if you can't tell. If you have any ideas on how to improve on my writing style or plot-line, feel free to let me know. I aim to please. Anyway, I plan to update at least once every 1-2 weeks. Depending on how fast I write and when I have time to update, I could update every week, or take 2 week breaks. We'll just have to wait and see. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter (Even though it was a bit short. Sorry about that.) Well... I guess I'll see you in the next chapter. Later! =^-^=

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