Chapter Five

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-Sans' P.O.V-

I can't put my finger on it, but (y/n) seems tense and more on edge for some reason...

.... I realize that she went through a lot yesterday, but she looks like she's seen a ghost.

I would ask her what's going on, but Mr. Darwin specifically said that this was a strict 'no talking' time.

... I really hate this teacher...


As soon as class was over, I tapped (y/n) on the shoulder to attract her attention. She jumped a bit, but relaxed once she saw that it was just me.

"Yes?" (y/n) questioned.

"Are you okay? You seem... Tense." I asked.

(y/n) responded with a simple 'I'm fine', before exiting the classroom.

Despite barely knowing (y/n), I can tell that she's not fine. And I intend to know why.

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

I'm sorry Sans, but I can't tell you about the text. I don't want to bother you anymore than I already have.

When I arrived at English, I sat down in my assigned seat.

"Alright everyone, we're going to go over our pre-test in pairs. Just find someone to work with." The teacher instructed.

I ended up with someone I didn't really know. I know his family is on the bad side of the law, but that's about it.

"So, what'd you get for question one?" I questioned.

The guy (don't know his name), didn't respond. Unless glaring counts...

"Uh... I'll just look at it for you then." I said, while reaching out to grab his paper.

The guy quickly slapped my hand.

"Don't touch it. You've already done enough damage." The guy threatened.



Whoever this guy is, he must be against me.

... Not good...


English is finally over! I can escape from Michael (finally learned his name), and go to-

"(y/n)." I heard Michael say.

I froze.


Michael looked dead serious... And a bit scary...

"Enjoy life... While you still have it..." Michael said, before walking away.

The knot in my stomach just became ten times worse.

... Just what does Michael have against me?

-Sans' P.O.V-

I was at my locker, waiting for (y/n).

I feel like the sooner I can confront (y/n) about the issue, the better.

When (y/n) finally walked up to her locker, she looked worse than earlier today.

"Alright. Spill it. What's wrong?" I asked in a demanding tone of voice.

"I'd rather not talk about it." (y/n) said as she grabbed her lunch and turned to leave.

I grabbed her arm.

"You're not leaving until I get some answers." I said.

(y/n) sighed.

"Fine. But can we go to a more remote location?" (y/n) questioned.

"Sure. Let's go." I said before grabbing (y/n)'s hand and leading her out to the same location we had used yesterday to eat lunch.

Luckily for us, the area was desolate. No one in sight.

"Well? What's causing you to be so tense?" I questioned, demanding for my answers.

... I can't explain it... But I feel a need to help (y/n); to protect her.

... Maybe it's because she's my first real human friend... But still...

... I will help (y/n)!

"... I received a disturbing text last night after you left." (y/n) explained.

"Can I see the text?"

"Sure." (y/n) said, before unlocking her phone and handing it to me.

You'll pay for what you've done.

... Who the hell's threatening (y/n)!?

"And then... Today... Michael from my English class said that I better enjoy life while I can. It's honestly scaring me to death." (y/n) explained, her voice shaking a bit.

... It seems like I'm going to have to do some investigation...

"Don't worry (y/n), I'll get to the bottom of this." I reassured (y/n).

"But I don't want to bother-"

"Nonsense. You're my friend, and even if we haven't known each other for long... I care about you..." I explained, before hugging (y/n).

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

... I don't understand this...

... How can Sans already consider me as a friend? We barely known each other for twenty-four hours. How can he already care for me!?

And now he's hugging me. Normally I shy away from hugs, but this one's different. I feel... As though I can trust Sans when he says everything will be alright.

... Is this what it means to care about something?

... Perhaps it's been so long since I cared that I've honestly forgotten about the feeling of trusting and caring for others.

"Oops. Sorry (y/n). I took up all of our lunch." Sans apologized.

"It's fine. I'm not hungry anyways. Been too nervous and on edge to be hungry." I said.

"Okay. Well, hopefully you'll be able to eat after school." Sans said.


We then headed to drama. And for the first time in a while, I began to wonder if I can trust someone -or something- else.

Here we go. Another chapter! Yay! Sadly, this will be the last frequent update. The reason is because I'm working on so many other stories, and I want to work on all of them equally, without bias towards any of them. Hope you can understand. Later! =^-^=

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