Chapter Nine

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-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

This isn't good... We're cornered...

... There's nothing I can do...

... We're so dead...

Sans looked discouraged. Guess I'm not the only one who's lost all hope...

"Stop stalling! Kill yourself already!" Michael demanded.

... No... This can't be the end... I can't let my friend get hurt because of me...

With swift movements, I rushed up to Michael, and knocked the gun out of his hands.

"What the – Why you..." Michael gave me a glare, and pulled a fist back to punch me.

But then... He stopped.

Why did he...?

I then saw a heart come out of Michael.

... What is this?

The heart was then tossed to the ground, and that's where Michael's face went.

"Get behind me!" I heard Sans yell.

I quickly obeyed him.

Sans then tossed the heart around, tossing Michael back and forth as well.

Eventually, Sans lifted Michael and his heart into the air.

"Now listen to me. You're going to call your partner, and tell him to release (y/n)'s mother, or else." Sans demanded.

"You may be able to control my general movements, but you can't force me to do anything."

Sans glared, before summoning gaster blasters around Michael.

"Want to repeat that?"

"I'm not afraid of death. Feel free to kill me. It'll only seal the fate of (y/n)'s mother. Plus, it'll make you get arrested for murder. So, what're you waiting for?"

Sans frowned, before using his magic to bring Michael's phone to us. It then magically unlocked.

"(y/n), find the number that is his accomplices' number." Sans instructed.

I did so, and call the number=, hoping it was what we needed.

"Hello? Michael? I still have the woman. Do I need to shoot her?" I heard a male's voice question.

"Yes! Shoot her into a million pieces!" Michael shouted.

My heart dropped, and the sound of a gunshot could be heard.

And that's when I collapsed to the ground.

I fainted.

-Sans' P.O.V-

As soon as I heard Michael's words, I used my magic to quickly teleport to (y/n)'s mother, and deflect the gunshots away from Mrs. (y/l/n). I then teleported Mrs. (y/l/n) back to the spot where (y/n) had fainted, while still holding Michael in place.

... Heh... This is so exhausting...

After releasing Mrs. (y/l/n) from the bonds she had, I asked her to call the police, which she did.

As soon as the police came, Michael was arrested, as well as the people associated with Michael's plan.

(y/n), Mrs. (y/l/n), and I were taken in for questioning. Well, (y/n) just slept, but after answering their questions, we were let go.

"Sans, I heard that you were living in an apartment by yourself. Is that correct?" Mrs. (y/l/n) questioned.

"Yeah. Why?" I questioned.

"Well, I feel bad for you to have to live by yourself, so how about you stay with us? It isn't a problem, and we have a spare bedroom. I think the more time you spend with (y/n), the better." Mrs. (y/l/n) explained.

"I guess. I'll bring everything over." I said, before teleporting away to get my things.

Though (y/n) still hasn't woken up yet... I hope she'll be okay...

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been having some issues with obtaining motivation to write. But, hopefully, I'll soon have a schedule that'll help me update better. As always, hope you're enjoying the story. Later! =^-^=

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