Chapter Thirteen

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When the movie finished, I turned to face (y/n).

"Good choice for a movie." I praised.

Though (y/n) didn't respond.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that she was sleeping.

... Did she not get enough sleep last night? Well, she did get up pretty early, but still...

Deciding that it'd be awkward if she woke up in this condition, I picked her up, and took her to her room.

After tucking her into her bed, and planting a quick kiss on her forehead, I headed to my own room.

I was about to take a nap myself, when I heard a knock on the front door.

Curious, I headed to the front door, and opened it, to reveal and officer of some sort.

"Can I help you?" I questioned.

The officer frowned.

"You'll come peacefully with me if you don't want any trouble." The officer said in a warning tone.

I frowned.

"You come here for a bad time?" I questioned.

"If that's what it's going to resort to, then sure." The officer said, before pulling out two guns.

I summoned my bone weapons to strike.

"Before you strike, keep in mind that if I don't respond to headquarters in a certain amount of time, your brother will be executed. 'Papyrus' is his name, right? Pretty weak-spirited compared to you, I must say." The officer explained.

... They have my brother...?!

"Where is he?!" I questioned with an all-serious tone.

"You can find out if you come with me... Immediately." The officer explained.

... (y/n), I'm sorry for leaving you. I hope you can understand why I'm doing this...

I took a deep breath, and made my weapons disappear.


The officer smiled.

"Glad to see this didn't have to resort to violence." The officer said, before putting handcuffs on my hands.

I felt my magic power instantly vanish.

... Guess this officer isn't fooling around...

He then led me to his nearby car, and we were off.

... (y/n)...

... I'm truly sorry...

... But I must save Papyrus...


... When did I get in my bed?! Last thing I remember is watching the movie...

... Oh god...

... Did I fall asleep on Sans!?

Gah! I'm so embarrassed!

Quickly, I stood up and began to search for Sans to apologize.

... Only to not see him anywhere...

... Did he need to go take care of something, or...?

Checking his room, I saw that all his stuff was here, so he didn't move out.

Then where is he...?


Ugh! What is taking that officer so long!?

As if on cue, I received a text from said officer.

I got the target.

Perfect... He'll pay for getting my boyfriend put in prison... And it's all thanks to Daddy's power that I'll be able to do such a grand scheme.

First, these skeleton brothers... And then... All monsters in existence!

Out of curiosity, I asked the officer where he found the skeleton.

The house of the (y/l/n)'s, if I remember correctly.

WHAT?! He was with those people...

... How interesting...

... Perhaps I can make this work out in my favor... To not only kill one, but two birds with one massive stone... 

Hello. Guess who's back? Me! Sorry for being gone so long. I've been so busy. Hope you can understand. Later! =^-^=

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