Chapter 2

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{Third Pov}

You woke up after falling out the bed

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You woke up after falling out the bed. You looked around the room to see that it is still early, and your sister was nowhere to be found. You get out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush your teeth wash up and put on an outfit for the day.  You go to lay back down the bed and you notice a note beside the lap where you were sleeping

Heyy girly I had to leave early to go to appointment with the annoying boy I told you about wishing me luck I don't kill him, and I won't be back until later so I text you went I'm coming back so have fun I took the car, but I know you figure a way around love you: *

You laugh little at the note but sit it back down on the table and pull out your phone a see that you did not put it on the charger last night, but It okay you had 60% left. You lay down and scroll thru Instagram and text some friends back home. After about an hour you get restless and see that it 11:00 and you were starting to get hungry, so you decide that you going to go explore around some a place to eat. You put your shoes on and face mask and your beanie you grab your backpack and make sure your books and phone and lip balm in the bag and head out. You make it out of the hotel without anyone noticing you. The weather was nice, but it was starting to get cold, but you did not mind you love the winter time. You started to walk down the street just taking in the beauty. You see some girls across the street putting some poster up about your concert, and you smiled to yourself. You kept walking about 20 more minutes till you found this nice little coffee shop. You walk in and see a couple talking by the door, but you walk around them and go up to the counter.

{Nura Pov}

I walk up to the counter to order a Carmel fragrant and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese, but they did not have any more bagel, so I ended up getting a muffin.

"Here you go, mama, you can sit where ever you like and we will buzz you when your order is ready," The lady says to me handing me a black box.

I walk to over to the side farther from the people I really don't want to be seen right now. I take out my phone and look thru some email that my manager has sent me about my schedule for this week. Omg, I'm going to be so busy I'm not going to be able to do anything fun for a while. I mind as well enjoy this day. I put in my headphones and listen to some music. I sit back and watch all the people come and got from the café. There are not many people here and I love that because that means there a less chance of me running into any of my fans out here.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

I take my headphones out and get up from the table. I walk up to the counter and hand the lady my buzzer ad she hands me my food and my drink, and I walk back over to my table and eat my muffin and drink my drink just listen to music. I finish my muffin and I pull out my book to read some.

1 hour later

I look up from my book to see that it is now 1:00 and there a lot more people now in the café and I know that it's my cue to leave because I do not want to be seen. I get up and throw my trash away and pack my bag back up ahead out the door. I start to walk down the street and I see and park up ahead and I decided that it is the perfect place to just chill and read some. I make my way over to the park to see that the leave is falling thru the park and it looks so beautiful. I bet Nova would love to be here right now to take a picture of this. There some kids walking around with their parent and some couples walking around holding the hand. My pocket starts to vibrate, and I pull out my phone to see why it is vibrating. I see that I have a text from my manager.

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