chapter 15

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"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will tear me apart."


"Namjoon I'm not about to argue with you at your promotion party, I'm not cheating on you, but you have to trust me on this, there are things I can't tell you because I made a promise not to tell" I say to him turning around to go back to check on Yoongi

"Nura if you walk away from me without telling me what happen I will no longer be your boyfriend because there should never be secrets between us!"


I turn around so fast hearing him say that. Thinking maybe I misheard him.

"YOU GOING TO BREAK UP WITH ME IF I DON'T TELL YOU SOMEONE ELSE SECReT!' I say throwing my arms in the air in disbelief. He can't be serious right now.

At this point we have drawn the attention of some people and Yoongi and Jin are standing nearby watching.

"I'm not breaking up with you because you are keeping someone's secret you are keeping your own secret and I'm not going to have a girlfriend who hides things from me" He say looking mw dead in my eyes and I know he hurt sad, and completely serious. No matter how much I would love to tell him why I was hanging out with Yoongi so much. I simply can't because it's not my cat to let out the bag.

"Namjoon she-

"No don't say anything Yoongi, you don't have to tell him anything if you're not ready to tell anyone yet. Then I wont tell anyone either" I say cutting Yoongi off. I'm hurt he say that but I'm not going to let Yoongi tell his secret just because namjoon being an asshole and not thinking clearly

"Wow you are telling him not to tell me what going on between you two now." Namjoon say throwing his arms in the air dramatically

"No, I'm telling him not to tell you something he not ready to say yet just because you're not thinking clearly, and I already told you there nothing going on between us, so why can't you believe me?" I say for the last time feeling like he doesn't trust me at all

"Nura I can't be with someone who won't be honest with me"

"What do you mean Namjoon someone who won't be honest with you? Are you saying that I'm lying to you? "I ask him

"Yeah that exactly what I'm saying, and I don't want to be with you anymore" He say walking away from me.

"Namjoon STOP RIGHT THERE!!" I scream to him and he stops and turns around with sad pleading eyes begging me to just tell him the truth.

"Nura I will-

"No, you listen to me now and you listen very good too. I am not lying to you about anything and I can understand how this all might seem very bad on me and Yoongi part, but you need to just believe me on this. I want to make this very clear to you right now. If you turn around and walk away from me don't walk back into my life because that shows that there no trust or love in this relationship and I know that I trust and love you, but the question is do you? Are you really going to throw 6 months down the drain like that?" I say letting some tears fall down my face. I feel Yoongi standing next to me, but I softly shake him off because I need to hear namjoon say what he needs to say before I totally break down.

"Nura I just can't do this anymore! LOOK AT ALL THIS, LOOK AT US, YOU CLEALRY HAVE YOUR SECRETS AND I DON'T WAN TO BE THE ONE TO STAND INT THE WAY OF ANY OF THEM!" He says looking at me and Yoongi and turns around walking away

I feel the tear fall down my face and I watch him walk away from me like I never matter. I feel someone come up to me and hug me but all I want right now is Namjoon to turn around and tell me he is playing and hug me and whip away these tears he brought to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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