Chapter 2

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After me and Justin talked to my friends for a few minutes the bell went and we were heading to our first lesson which was History one of the most boring lessons ever.

We walked in to the class noticing everyone else at their sits. Once they noticed Justin they went quite and stared at him in confusion wondering who he is. 

Mr.Cockroft:"Morning Jen first time you didn't come in lesson late." He slowly nodded looking impressed.

Mr.Cockroft:"And you must be Justin." Justin nodded and smiled before looking at me.

Me:"Sir I got told to help Justin get to his classes and get him to catch up to work. So he has to sit next to me."

Mr.Cockroft:" Yeah okay that's fine." I nodded and walked over to the back of the class where I sat tapping the table for Justin to sit down.

Mr.Cockroft:"So today....." He started talking but I already got bored so I pushed my book away and put my head on my arms.

I was starting to fall asleep until I felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up to find Justin giving me a confused look.


Justin:"Aren't you doing anything?" He asked me as he picked up his pen.

Me:"Nah. It's boring and I couldn't care less. I mean what's the point of two History lessons with different teachers but the same subject." I sat up straight shrugging before taking out my phone.

Justin:"Yeah you're right." He lightly chuckled.

I smiled and put my phone away. We both stared at the teacher as he explained our work to do.

Mr.cockroft:"Work in two's or threes I don't mind." He said and sat down as his desk and started typing away on his computer.



Justin:"Tell me about your self." I looked at him and sighed.

Me:"Ok so Uhm...I'm 15⅖, my birthday is on the 25 of March, I live with my mum and my big brother Max, my favourite colour is purple and my favourite singers are Chris Brown and Usher." He nodded and said nice.

Me:"Your turn."

Justin:"I'm 15, my birthday is the 1 of March, I live with my mum and my 2 siblings Jasmine and Jaxon, my favourite colour is purple and my favourite singers are...hmm...I love Beyonce, Chris brown, Usher and Justin timberlake." he said then looked at me and smiled.

Me:"It looks like we have a lot in common." I said chuckling lightly he did the same and we looked up at each other and just stared. We got interrupted by the bell everyone ran out class while me and Justin took our time.


Me, Justin, Viki, Kiara, Razia and Maryam were walking to the bus stop with Cyrus, Darius, Amanda and Anti Lewis.

Cyrus is Vikis boyfriend.

Darius is Kiaras boyfriend.

Amanda and Anti Lewis are dating. Anti Lewis is not a girl. Yeah I know it's wierd but we call eachother wierd names.

Everytime I call him 'Anti Lewis' all he says is 'I don't have a vagina' but he doesn't really complain. He let's me call him that I guess.

Me and the girls were at the front walking while the boys were behind us. Justin and the boys get along and so do I and Justin. We became friends since we were together all day talking to each other and stuff.

After the bus has arrived we got on it and talked all the way till everyone got of at their bus stop except me, Kiara and Justin.

The bus came to our bus stop so we got of with Justin behind us.

Me:"You live around here?" I asked walking to my street.

Justin:"Yeah...just moved here not long ago actualy."

Me:"That's nice then. You can go with me and Kiara to school then in the mornings. I told you you'll be stuck with me for a while." I laughed.

Justin:"It's better for me that way." He smirked and I raised my eyebrows nodding.

He shook his head the smirk still on his face as he walked to the other side of the street with a wave.

Kiara laughed.

Kiara:"Well seems like you got yourself a good one."

Me:"Shut up you. We just met today." I said stopping in front of her house.

Kiara:"Yeah....but there will be plenty of time for you two to get to know eachother better." She shrugged and went inside her house.

Me:"Oof." I huffed.

Me:"I'm home!" I said throwing my bag on the couch and walked to the kitchen. I got out a watter bottle and headed upstairs.

I walked into Max's room and saw him sitting on his bed with his laptop on his lap.

Me:"Hey." I sat next to him on the bed noticing him playing a game we used to play as kids. He closed his laptop and removed it from his lap.

Max:"Hey." he said and gave me a side hug.

Max:"How was your day?"

Me:"It was great I met this new guy-"

Max:"Guy?" He cut me of making me look up at him.

Me:"Yeah there's this new kid Justin and I was supposed to show him around and he got put in all of my classes so you know we became friends."

Max:"Oh." was all he said. I nodded and stood up heading to the door before I heard Max call for me.


Max:"Where are you going?"

Me:"I'm going to sleep I'm tired."

Max:"Boring lessons again huh?"


Max:"Boring or not you better not do something stupid."

Me:"Yeah yeah hush." I laughed.

Max:"Go to bed you midget." He threw a pillow at me smiling.

Me:"I'm going."

Me:"Can I borrow one of  your hoodies though?" I asked even though I knew he was going to yes.

Max:"Yeah course."

Me:"Thanks." I took one of his hoodies and went back to my room and changed and went to bed.


Again I tried my best so don't judge please I'll try to update everyday because I'm having fun with writing this story hope your having fun reading it. Love you. Bye😚👋

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