Chapter 20

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*Jenifer's pov*

Max's eyes immediately turned black when he caught the gaze of Bruce.

Bruce:"You know...we've could've done it the easy way. You bring my money and I let her go. Simple. But you being stupid...called your old gang and killed my men. You don't think that you're going to get away with this do you?" He said and then suddenly one of his men shot Lucas in the leg.

Me:"Luke!" I ran over to him.

Lucas:"I'm fine-" he winced.

Me:"You bastard!" I screamed at Bruce. I looked back to Lucas and Jake walked up to us.

Jake:"Here put this on. And tie this on his leg. Hard." He handed me his jacket since I was still half naked and his shirt. I nodded and tied the shirt on Lucas's leg.



Lucas:"It's okay." He smiled at me but it didn't reach his ears like it used to.

Max:"Your going to pay for this!" I heard him yell and then shooting. Lucas squeezed me tighter and I heed my face into his neck.

Lucas:"Let's go behind the desk in the corner." He said in my ear. I nodded and looked up. Everyone was in different places shooting even Justin. What?

I grabbed Lucas and helped him up putting his arm around my shoulders while mine was around his waist walking to the desk with ought getting hurt.

Me:"What are we going to do?"

Lucas:"You. Nothing." He then grabbed his gun and quickly shot the guy, who shot him, in the head.

Lucas:"Sweet revenge.." he muttered then shot another guy.

Me:"Luke stop. Your hurt."

Lucas:"I'm okay princess. Nothing I haven't had before." He said and send me a smirk before getting back to shooting.

Me:"Luke you might get shot again." I said worried.

Luke:"It's okay. Trust me okay?" I bit my lip as I stared at him.

Me:"Okay..." he them kissed my forehead and went back to shooting. I covered my ears and put my knees to my chest crying.

Suddenly everything went silent and I couldn't hear a thing. I looked up to Lucas who was looking around.

Me:"What happened?" I whispered.

Lucas:"They're dead.." he whispered and I fell panick come over me.

Me:"W-what?" He looked at me and quickly grabbed my face.

Lucas:"Jen breath. Calm down. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that the other gang is dead." He rubbed my neck because that always calmed me down.

Jake:"Alright guys let's get out of here!" He grabbed Lucas and motioned for me to follow.

Max:"Jen come here." I rushed to him and hugged him tightly even though he was covered in blood.

Me:"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I looked everywhere on his body to check if he was hurt.

Max:"No I'm okay but let's get out of here." I nodded and looked over at Justin who was looking at me but looked away as he caught my eyes.

Me:"Justin are you okay?"

Justin:"Yeah..." he said then walked away in head of us. What is wrong with him?

Me:"Are you guys okay?"

James:"Yes martinez. Don't need to worry. I mean did you forget how strong we are?"

Me:"Still the old James."

James:"I will never change Martinez. Never." He winked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

We walked out of the warehouse and to a van. We got it and sped of as I was still in Max's arms tightly. It's like he was scared to let me go.

Max:"Did he do anything to you?" He asked and zipped up the jacket Jake passed to me.

Me:"No. Only slapped me a few times."

Max:"That motherfucker." He growled and hugged me again. .

Max:"Don't worry he can't hurt you anymore. No one can. I'm here." He whispered. I looked over to Justin but he was looking out the window. I will talk to him when we get back only after I talked to Max about this gang stuff.

Me:"Is Lucas going to be okay?" I looked at Lucas who was sleeping.

Carter:"Yeah. It's not a big deal. He got shot in way worse places but survived. I mean he's Lucas. He's strong." I cringed of the thought of the guys getting shot several times. But he's right. I knew Luke my whole life and he is very strong.

But I need a lot of explanation from Max.

Me:"So Max...why didn't you tell me your in a gang." I looked at him with a serious face.

Max:"I'll explain everything later but for now we need to get back to the warehouse and help Lucas." I nodded and looked at Justin. I bet he's really angry with me. I mean he was there when I talked to Drew and heard our conversation.

I guess I will have to tell him about my past...

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