Chapter 6 pt2

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(Pic of Max⬆⬆)

Me and Justin were in his room being silent as a graveyard before I finally decided to speak up.

Me:"So...urm.....who is Ryan and Chaz?" I asked trying to make a conversation.

Justin:"Erm..well they are my best friends I knew them since forever we used to go to the same school but...I had to move because I got kicked out." He said frowning.

Me:"I have the same problem. In one of my schools I only stayed for like four months. Then got kicked out and 4 more other schools. It was hard for me moving all the time. New friends, new teachers and everything all the time. It was a piss take. But my life wasn' place. But like I have new friends now. These are differen."

Justin:"Wow...I'm sorry. It must have been a hard time for you. But you're right. You got me now too. And it doesn't have to be the same as it was. I'm gona be here through everything with you now. You're going to be stuck with me for a it or not." He said and I laughed nudging him a little.

Me:"Using my own words huh? Well thanks. And same for you." I smiled and he smiled back as we stared at eachother.

Chaz:"What's up bitches!" Someone yelled making me jump as I looked towards the door where two guys walked in from.

Me:"Fucking gave me a heart attack." I mumbled making him look at me as he let go of Justin after giving him a hug.


Justin:"Hey." He said to the taller guy giving him a hug too.

Chaz:"Whose the chick?" He nodded towards me sitting down in Justin's chair.

Me:"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow.

Justin:"Oh erm this is-"

Me:"Jenifer and you are?" I cut Justin of giving him a look.

Chaz:"Fiesty mmhmm.....I'm Chaz baby girl." he said smirking.  I  rolled my eyes at him. Sounds a bit like Drew if you ask me.

Justin:"Chaz stop it. By the way this is Ryan." Justin said pointing towards the taller guy.

Ryan:"Hey Jenifer."

Me:"Call me Jeni or Jen." I said sending him a smile. He seems more nicer.

Ryan:"Okay then Jen. Just ignore Chaz. He can get a little wierd sometimes."

Justin:"A little?" He scoffed.

Chaz:"Ha ha." He threw a pen at Justin.

Chaz:"I'm hungry."

Justin:"When are you not hungry Chaz?" He asked laughing.

Chaz:"Hmm." Chaz put a finger on his chin and gave us the 'thinking look'.

Chaz:"I don't know now let's go." he whined pulling Justin out of the room.  Me and Ryan laughed a bit and stood up following Justin and Chaz downstairs.

Justin:"We can'tgo out to eat. Mums cooking and she would kill us if we missed dinner." He said sitting on the couch.

Chaz:"That's fine. I love your mums cooking." He shrugged.

I was gona walk over to sit next to Justin when I felt my phone buzz. I took it out to see it was a message from Max.

Where are you?

I'm at a friends house I'll be back in a few.


Alright hurry. I made some good food not even lieing. And mums not home yet so I don't want to be alone.


Yeah don't worry I'm on my way.


Justin:"Who was it?" I heard Justin ask as I put my phone away.

Me:"Just my brother. I can't stay for dinner I'm sorry."

Ryan:"Awe. I was hoping we would get to know you more."

Me:"I know and me too but I have to go." I said watching Justin walk over to me.

Justin:"That's fine. If your brother wants you home then it's fine. I'll text you later okay?" He said hugging me and I nodded.

Me:"Bye guys."

Chaz:"Bye beautiful." Chaz said hugging me. I rolled my eyes but hugged him back.

Ryan:"Bye Jen." He said and I hugged him too.

Me:"Tell your mum I'm really sorry. But next time I'll definitely stay." I called back to Justin when I got to the door.

Justin:"Don't worry about it." I nodded and walked out heading to my house.

Me:"Hey Max I'm back!" I yelled and closed the door behind me.

Max:"Hey." he said coming out of the kitchen and hugged me.

Max:"Are you hungry? Yes? No? I don't care you have to taste this." He pulled me to the kitchen with a plate of food already at the table.

Me:"Wow this smells good." I said taking a sit.


I picked up my fork and took some pasta before putting it in my mouth.

Me:"Fuckin hell max this is amazing!" I said eating more.

Max:"I told you. Didn't I tell you? I'm some next level chef."

We carried on eating our food talking about anything other then Drew.

We stayed up till late at night just talking and missing out literally every movie we put on. All we did was talk, talk and more talk.


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