Chapter 12

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*Jenifer's pov*

Today's Saturday. Which means tomorow is my birthday. Yay. Note my sarcasm. I still don't know what my brother is planing he just said to invite some friends. And I have to meet Drew as well. I wonder what he has for me. It's wierd how we friends again after the horrible thing he nearly did to me. I hope I don't regret being friends with him.

Right now I'm having breakfast with my brother.

Max:"what are you thinking about?"

Me:" Just about tomorrow." I shrugged. He looked up at me then smiled.

Max:" are you excited?" He asked looking more excited then I should be.

Me:" I mean yeah. I feel like this year it will be better. With my new freinds ya know."

Max:" well good cause we don't want my sister feeling down on her special day now do we?" I giggled

Me:"Thanks Max. For everything. You were there for me since day one. Your the best brother anyone could ever ask for. And I'm not saying this cause you make the best breakfast ever." I laughed making him chuckle.

Me:"I love you Max."

Max:"I love you too Jen." He said hugging me real tight "so so much." He finished.

Me:"Max....I can't breathe." He was squeezing me by now.

Max:"oh sorry." He said pulling away quickly.

Max:"have any plans for today."

Me:" I was thinking cause we don't really spend that much time together maybe we could have a brother and sister day?" I said as I put my plate in the sink " I mean only if you want to."

Max:"Course I would." I smiled big. Thsi should be a fun day.

Me:"alright shall we head out?"

Max:"sure let me just put a shirt on." He said since he was shirtless. And let me tell you Max is a guy that a girl could dream of. He has girls all over him. When he was younger he used bring home different girls every night my mum use to flip out on him cause of that. But he changed. His not a 'fuckboy' anymore.

Max:"alright let's go." He said as he grabed his keys and wallet. I grabbed my stuff and we headed out to his BMW.

*Justins pov*

Ryan:" yo so tomorrow is Jenifer's birthday. What shall we get her?" He asked as layed down on my bed. Chaz, Ryan and me were currently in my room deciding what shall we get Jen for her birthday...well me and Ryan. Chaz is too busy eating MY food.

Me:" I don't know bro. I only knew her for a few weeks as well. But I definitely know that she doesn't like teddy bears or romantic stuff like flowers and shit."

Ryan:" What about jewellery? I mean every girl likes the expensive shit." He shrugged.

Me:" Jen is a tough one and she likes simple stuff. She's different to other girls. But your right maybe a necklace with her name on it?" I'm really not sure what to get her.

Chaz:" How bout we go out to the mall and if we see something that screames 'Jenifer' then we'll get it." We looked at him and raised and eyebrow.

Me:" That's actually a good idea. Let's go." They followed me downstairs and out of the door.

We were at the mall for an hour and we still couldn't find anything.

Chaz:" Guys look! That defenetly screams Jenifer." He said pointing at a really nice, purple lether jacket that had zips on each side of the arms.

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