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brandon's perspective

The toll from last night's events was still having it's effects on my in the morning. My eyes opened, and straight away I thought of Callie. Thought about everything she has done for me and how much more she is going to do for me. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, no will to even get out of bed. It was Saturday, so I expected that everyone would be up and out for the day.

There was a knock on my door, "Hey, B. Time to get up. Have you taken your meds?" Mom's gentle voice came through the crack of my door. I didn't want to speak. I didn't want to move. My brain was telling me not to, so I didn't. Mom came in anyway, and sat on the edge of my bed. "I came up here to talk to you about what happened last night and clear the air for Mama and myself." Again, my brain rejected the words, so I kept my mouth shut.

"I am so sorry that Callie got taken away, that was not run by me because I would have rejected right away. Also, I am sorry that Mama has been a little bit aggressive lately. She just hasn't been herself and we are working on it. So, she is going to be back to her normal self very soon. We will get Callie back, when you can promise that you two are not going to be in any more of a romantic or sexual relationship." Mom ranted, and it took me a minute to process her words, but I did get through them all. I picked my medicine bottle of the table, and dry-swallowed my pill. It left a pain in my throat.

I sat up in my bed, "It's alright. I'll talk to Mama and tell her everything is okay too. I just want Callie back, that's all. I promise that we won't be in a relationship." I said, my eyes darting around the room.

Mom patted my back, "Okay. Now get dressed, breakfast is ready." She said with a big grin on her face, and walked out, closing the door behind her. I threw my covers off me, and slipped on an old band t-shirt and some khaki shorts. I ruffled my hair in the mirror, then walked into the kitchen. Everyone was here; Jesus, Mariana, Jude, and moms. But it felt so empty without Callie here. I just hoped she was okay, and that they were treating her well at the home she was at. I sat down, picking at the eggs on my plate.

Lena rested her fork down, "So, how did everyone sleep?" She asked brightly, seeming completely renewed and whole.

Mariana sighed, "Not so great. It was weird not having Callie to talk to before bed. Also, are these eggs cage-free?" She said, and everyone huffed.

Jesus rolled his eyes, "Yes. Fully organic and gluten free." He joked. Always count on Jesus to crack the joke at the table.

Mom shot him a look, "Jesus!" She snapped, in her loving mother way. I couldn't help but smile, and shove some eggs down my throat. I was feeling a bit nauseated, so I placed my fork down and just smiled my way through breakfast.

Jude poked my shoulder, "Are you alright? You look a bit pale." He whispered.

I nodded, "Just fine. I'm just feeling a bit under the weather." I admitted, my breathing quickening. Jude bobbed his head a bit, but still didn't look convinced.

He tapped me again on the shoulder, "You could go back upstairs and lie back down. I can cover for you, if you want." Jude said, his lips curled up a bit. I could tell that he was upset too, considering Callie is his sister and he loves her dearly.

I shook my head, "It's just my meds making me feel sick. I have to eat after taking them, so it's best I stay down here and eat something. Thanks a lot, though." I said. He nodded, scarfing down some more eggs. I tuned back into everyone else.

Mariana slid her plate over to Jesus, "Eat them. I'm not hungry anyways." She said, rolling her eyes. Jesus smirked, scraping all of her eggs onto his plate.

Mom started to clear empty plates, "So, what's everyone plans for the day?" She asked.

Jesus gulped, "I'm headed out right now to spend a day with the wrestling team." He said, nodding his head.

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