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brandon's perspective

I pulled my car into the driveway with the 3 others in the back seat, coming home from school. Everyone unbuckled and escaped the car as quickly as possible, but I took my time, making sure everything was just as normal and then I twisted the keys out of the car. I sat there for a moment, thinking about everything Callie is risking for me. She might get sent back to juvie if she gets caught my my moms. I lightly smacked myself across the face, bringing myself back to reality. Just remember everything your therapist told you.

I walked inside to be greeted by moms, "Are you sure you want to go live at your dads?" Lena asked me. Of course, everyone was around right when she said it. Her question promoted many comments.

"Dammit, Brandon!"

"Awh, he gets to leave?"

"Shut up!"

I clapped my hands together over and over, "Shut up, okay, everyone just shut up!" I yelled, and everyone silenced. I ran up the stairs, anger coursing through my blood. I just couldn't wait to see Callie and be done with this. My bags were mostly packed already, I just tossed in the rest of my things and draped them over my shoulders. I doubled checked my room, and it was empty. I didn't have many things, so it was easy to just pack them up. I left my keyboard, because I have one at my dad's house anyways. I walked back downstairs, and everyone was sitting down in the living room. 

Mom patted an empty seat next to her, "Sit. Let's talk." She said calmly, and everyone was staring at me. I didn't like it at all. Not one bit.

I headed straight for the door, the faces of everyone dropping, "No. I'm leaving, and who knows if I will ever come back! I leave my room to Jesus." I yelled, charging out of the door and slamming it behind me. I threw my bags into the trunk, and slammed it shut. I got into the driver seat and sat there for a moment, catching my breath. My chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate, and I just imagined Callie here, breathing with me and rubbing my back. It didn't fix me, but it helped a little bit just to imagine. I started my car, and drove straight to my dads without a care in the world.


When I arrived, Callie had already come out of the door with a huge grin on her face. She met me half way and engulfed me into a huge hug, so I wrapped myself around her and stood there for a moment, feeling content. 

She pulled back reluctantly, "I'll help you grab your stuff." She said, brushing past me and popping my trunk open. She took one bag in her hand, throwing it over her shoulder. I took the other, and followed her inside.

I flopped onto the couch, "Thanks, Cal." I said, and she sat down next to me.

She rested her head on my shoulder, "Anything for you, Brandon." She said, looking up at me with her sepia brown eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "Wait, you don't have any of your things, they are all still at mom's house." I said, and she suddenly felt the same as I did. 

She huffed, "Yeah, that's true. But, I'll be fine." She said, hesitating on the last part.

I shook my head, "I can go get your stuff. I'll just say I forgot something of mine, they won't know a thing." I said, trying to make myself believe it. I knew for sure they would notice it was gone, but I held onto some hope that they wouldn't. 

Callie rested her hand on my thigh, "They will notice it's gone. I can just buy some new stuff to hold me over until it's okay for me to get my things. They still think I'm at that hellhole of a place." Callie said, sighing dramatically.

Just then, my phone buzzed and it was my mom calling. I slid the green icon over, and lifted the phone to my ear.


"Hi, B. We are all so sorry and respect your decision to move out for a little while. But, we are going to go visit Callie and were wondering if you wanted to come along? I know how much you miss her."

"Oh, are you sure you want to do that? I mean, she, she's totally fine."

"Your loss."

She hung up the phone, and I dropped mine on the floor.

I bit my lip, "Speaking of not being in your old home, everyone is taking a trip over there to go and see you." I said, and her face went white.

She stood up frantically, "Shit, what do we do, Brandon?" She said, beginning to pace the floors. 

I stood up and stopped her, "Callie, calm down sweetheart. I'll just drive you over there and-" 

She cut me off, "It doesn't work like that. She would bust my ass and rat me out! She hated me already. There is no escaping this, we are totally screwed!" Callie said. Her quick paced words and attitude were no help to my already boiling anxiety and anger. 

I was now the one pacing, running my fingers through my hair, "What else do we do? If she tells moms that you left, they are going to come hunting for you and will surly find you. That means both you and I are in a hella lot of trouble." I said, sitting back down, hands still in my hair. 

Callie huffed, fidgeting with her hands, "Let's run away together." She said, sitting down next to me. She looked at me eagerly, awaiting my response. My breath hitched and my heart was beating fast, and Callie seemed to take quick notice of it. She placed her hand on my back and began to rub circles on it, breathing in a slow, rhythmic pattern. I followed her breath as normal. "Did you take meds this morning?" She asked, and I shook my head. They were in my bag, I knew that for sure.

I pointed to the smaller bag, "They're in there, though." I said, a huge sigh following. She stood up, walked over to and rummaged through my bag, then brought me my pills. She tossed me the bottle then went into the kitchen, and after a few minutes of hearing clanking and padding around, she came out with a sandwich. 

She handed me the sandwich, "You need to eat with your meds, or you'll feel sick." She said, plopping back down next to me. I dry swallowed my pills, then took a bite of the sandwich. It was my favorite; a simple white-breaded ham and cheese sandwich. I could eat that any time of the day. "Back to my offer." She said, scooting close to me. I bit my sandwich, gulping it down. 

I bit my lip, "W-what about school, and...and piano? I can't leave it all behind, Cal." I said, putting the sandwich down on the table. Her face dropped, along with her shoulders. She slumped back into the couch dramatically.

She rolled her eyes, "It's a little risk and a little fun, B. Ever heard of it?" She joked, smirking up at me. I could never say no to such an innocent yet tempting face.

I laced my fingers through hers, "Oh, Callie. Let's do it then." I said, feeling an overwhelming sense of courage and riskiness. 

She picked up one of my bags, "Thank goodness you didn't unpack." She said, trotting back outside and throwing my stuff back into the trunk. I pulled my phone out quickly and shut it off, so moms couldn't track me down. "Smart idea, lover boy." 

I grinned, getting into the drivers seat, "Thanks, dream girl. Anyways, whats the destination?" I asked, and she kicked her feet up onto the dashboard.

She shrugged, "The fun of it is not knowing where you are going. Just drive until something jumps out at you." She said, which made me assume this wasn't the first time.

I started the car by twisting the keys, and the ignition went on, "Assuming this isn't the first time?" I asked playfully.

She patted my shoulder, "The first time with someone I really care about. Let's go." She said urging me to press my foot down. 

So, I pressed the pedal down, the car propelling forwards, and for the first time in my life, I didn't have one care in the world. 

away // brallieWhere stories live. Discover now