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callie's perspective

As Brandon was driving down some unknown road, the wind was coursing through my hair and the car as we listened to the radio. The smile on his face was bigger than I had ever seen it. His hands were gripping the wheel loosely as his head was bobbing to the beat of the music, and I tapped my foot along as well. 

My stomach grumbled noticeably, "Got any money? I could go for some food." I said, gazing over at Brandon, who looked back at me with those sweet green eyes. 

He took the car into the emergency lane, and it didn't really matter because nobody was around, and he climbed out of the car. His hair blew crazy in the wind, and he popped the trunk open and searched through one of his bags. He pulled out his wallet, then climbed back into the drivers seat. He pulled out some bills, shuffling and mumbling numbers under his breath. I looked at him quizzically while he kept shuffling through the bills in his hand.

He stuffed the money back into his wallet and handed it to me, "It's 450 dollars." He said, and my eyes widened. 

My mouth moved but words couldn't form, "How...uh...how did you come across this money?" I asked, biting my lip anxiously. My eyes grazed past him, seeing the leaves fall off the shivering trees in the background.

He laughed, his lips upturning and his eyes smiling, "Don't worry, Cal. Moms gave it to me as safety money, just in case I found myself in need of some quick cash. I saved up half any they gave me half, it was like a deal we made." Brandon explained, his fingers grazing through his hair, fixing the mess the wind made. 

I sighed, relief flooding out of me, "Oh, okay. Makes sense." I said, rolling my eyes at my own stupidity. Brandon could never make any such trouble, but that seemed to slowly be changing. I like this new Brandon; sweet and simple but adventurous and daring at the same time. 

Brandon buckled himself back into his seat, the little click satisfying him, "Shall we go grab a bite to eat then?" He suggested, pulling back onto the road.

I dropped my shoulders and looked back at him, "We shall." I said, resting one of my hands on his, even though it was on the wheel. But, he didn't even flinch. This new Brandon was really my cup of tea.


We pulled into the parking lot of a 24 hour diner, unbuckling our seat belts simultaneously and getting out of the car. Brandon stretched out, as did I, "How long have we been driving?" I asked, and he shrugged. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and powered it on, checking the time. 

His eyes widened, "About an hour and a half," He said, "and moms must be worried. She's called me a gazillion times. Should I call her back and tell her that I'm okay at Mike's?" He asked, the worry surly clouding his features. 

I huffed, "Sure. Whatever makes you feel better, lover boy." I said, leaning up against the car. He pressed the phone to his ear.

"Hi Mom, I'm okay, I'm at Dad's...yes...yes...I'm fine...yes...okay bye." He shoved the device back into his pocket, looking much more relaxed and carefree.

I laced my fingers through his, walking beside him towards the diner, "She doesn't suspect a thing, right?" I asked, and he bobbed his head up and down. He squeezed my hand for reassurance, and lead me into the diner. We took a seat at a booth, Brandon sitting across from me. We ordered some burgers, and they came out very quickly. Brandon finished his very quickly, taking huge bites one right after the other. I took my time, taking twice as long as the burger monster sitting across from me.

I finished the last bite, "You demolished that thing, Brandon!" I said, laughing a little bit. His cheeks grew red and he looked down. 

He leaned forward a bit, "I was pretty damn hungry, Cal." He said. He was radiating, and I could swear this little adventure had done wonders to him. He looked so much happier, not tired and depressed, and he looked carefree, not anxious. Maybe he was just painting on that look, so I had to ask.

I rested my hand on top of his, "How are you feeling, anxiety and depression wise?" I whispered, and his face stopped glowing and his lips sagged.

He looked me in the eyes, "I'm a mess Callie. I can't stop thinking about what might go wrong and how much trouble we might get in, and you know, I want to go home constantly, but I figured I should take a little risk to show...just how much I want to be with you and how much I love you." He said, his glowing green eyes clouding with tears.

I squeezed his hand, "Don't cry, Brandon. You are doing great, and if you ever need a break, we can just sit in the car and talk and listen to music, okay love?" I assured, and he nodded, wiping a tear off his pale face. 

He stood up, taking my hand in his, "Can we go sit in the car, please?" He asked gently, opening the door for me, and leading me back to the car. He climbed back into his side and I into mine.

I turned to face him in my seat, "Of course." I said, turning the radio on and turning it down just a little bit, so I could hear him speak. 

He turned to face me as well, leaning up against the seat and pressing his face against it, "Why do you stick by me? It would be so damn easy to drop me out of your life. I'm a huge burden. My anxiety keeps me from so many things as well as my depression, Callie. Someone normal could do such a better job at taking care of you and loving you." He said, tearing forming in his eyes yet again. 

I climbed into the back seat, motioning for him to come sit next to me. He followed, cuddling up close to me, "Brandon Micheal Foster, no one could love you as much as I do. When I fell in love with you, I fell in love with all of you. Your artistic touch, your caring personality, everything, including your depression and anxiety. I want to be the one to take care of you and help you feel better every day and get you through your panic attacks. I want this and I am bringing it upon myself on purpose, because I care about you and love you so much." I said, and he gazed up at me. 

He cricked his neck to look up at me, "You mean it...you...you really love me?" He asked, probably out of pure anxiety.

I nodded, "Yes, Brandon. I won't lie to you." I said, placing a kiss on top of his head. 

He sat up and faced me, "I love you too, Callie Jacob." He said, leaning in to kiss me. I placed my hands on his face, and pulled him closer to me, locking our lips in a sweet kiss.

He needed this, and I was nothing but willing to give it to him.

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