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callie's perspective

The car pulled into Mike's driveway about an hour before school was about to start, which allowed Brandon to relax for a moment and get himself into shape. He was nothing but a mess these past few days, and I knew he was thankful to be home. I assisted him in bringing his bags inside, and throwing them down onto the floor. 

I flopped down onto the couch, "Have a minutes to chill, Brandon." I said, patting the empty and broken in seat next to me. He shook his head, and he began to rummage through one of his bags. His chest was beginning to rise and fall quicker, his piercing green eyes loosing their life along the way. 

His hands were shaking as he kept on looking through his bag, "I can't find my medication, Callie, I can't find it!" He shouted, his hands now gliding through his messy hair. His brown curls were flying all over the place, matching his current mood. I bent down next to him, knowing exactly what my job was. I slipped my hand under his shirt, and started rubbing circles onto the bare skin of his back. His breath began to match mine right away, and his muscles relaxed on spot. He fell into my arms, but I kept circling my hand on his back. "I'm sorry, Callie." He mumbled.

I used my other hand to run it through his hair, "Don't be sorry, Brandon. Don't make me say it all over again." I joked, and he looked up at me and smiled. He stood up, my hand slipping out from under his t-shirt, and he pulled some clothes out of his bag and dashed away. I almost wanted to call out and tell him he didn't have to leave, but I just let a smirk rest on my face. I changed quickly while he was gone as well, and when he came back, we were both ready to go.

He picked up his school bag off the floor, "Ready?" He asked, a grin spreading on his face. I nodded, slinging my bag over my shoulder, and lacing my fingers through his. We walked out and got back into his car, and drove to school.


I pecked a kiss onto Brandon's lips as the bell rang, "I'll see you at lunch?" I asked, and he nodded, pulling me back for a more passionate kiss. His soft lips crashed to mine, but I pushed him back. "This is a public place, Brandon." I said, laughing. He just dashed off for class, and I stood still for a moment, taking in how damn lucky I was to have Brandon.

"Callie?" A familiar voice called out, and I whipped my head around and saw Lena standing there. Our last interaction wasn't the friendliest, which earned an eye-roll from me. Lena approached me, and I stood still. "Hi, Callie. Can you come into my office for a moment?" She asked politely, so I followed her into her office. 

She motioned for me to sit down, so I plopped down into a sofa seat next to her, "What's wrong?" I asked, assuming the worst of the situation. 

She sighed, "First off, your other foster caregiver said you ran away with a boy; tall with brown hair, wearing flannel and jeans that day. I took a wild guess to say that was Brandon. Then I saw you two arrive at school together and share some intimate interactions." She said, and instantly I wanted to yell and scream and cry. Brandon was going to have the worst moment of his life when he found out we got busted. 

I adjusted myself in my seat awkwardly, "That's all true, I won't deny it. But, that lady was being very rude to me and giving me attitude. She forced me to make her breakfast and do her dirty work. Brandon showed up so we ran away together. He said that Mike was gone for a month for business and we could stay there. But, I suggested we get away for a little, so we drove off far away on Sunday, were gone all of Monday, and then got back this morning. None of it was Brandon's fault, I promise. His anxiety has been kicking his ass lately and he couldn't find his meds this morning. Please cut him some slack." I pleaded, and Lena softly sighed. 

She pressed her fingers to her temple, "You are going to be facing some serious consequences. We are going to have to move you into another home Callie, but you may have to go back to JDC too for running away." She said, shaking her head. I just couldn't go back to juvenile, Brandon needed me and I couldn't let him down. Something might happen to him while I'm away. "I'll talk with Stef and see. You'll stay back at with us until we sort things out." Lena concluded, "You can go to class now." She demanded, waving her hand at me to go off. I obeyed, getting up and walking out of her office. I really thought that Stef and Lena wanted to fight for me and get me adopted, but things seemed to be changing rapidly. I walked the crowded halls feeling like I was all alone, like nobody even wanted to bother with me anymore. I thought that the Fosters was going to be my forever home, but just like with all the other seven, I was wrong. 


I didn't want to have to break this news to Brandon. I could already sense his terrible reaction which was going to make it so much harder to even approach him. I spotted him walking out of his last class of the day, his head held up high. I ran up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, "Brandon?" I mumbled. His head whipped around and when he saw me, his lips parted and turned into a smile, and his wrapped me up in a hug.

He pulled back reluctantly, "Callie, what's up?" He asked, beginning to walk with me. The smile on his face and the relaxation in his heart was not something I wanted to destroy, but I had to. 

I dropped my head, "We got busted by Lena. She said I might have to go back to the JDC, but I don't want to leave you all by yourself." I said, and the instant reaction from Brandon made me want to sob; his face lost all color, his smile turned down, his eyes drooped. 

He forced a smile onto his face, "It's uh...fine. I'll be fine." He said, not even wanting to meet my eyes. I pulled him off to the side of the hallways, and took his hands in mine. 

I looked at him even though his head was down, "Brandon, look. Whatever happens, I want you to stay strong for me, okay? Always remember to take your meds in the morning, please. Have Moms remind you, or Jesus, someone you trust in the house. I'll always be there right next to you in spirit," I started, then took the necklace I was wearing off, and handed it to Brandon, "while I'm away, keep this with you whenever you need me." I said. That was my mom's necklace, but I knew that Brandon would desperately need a piece of me while I was gone. I wouldn't need it as much as he would, because I know how to keep my mom in my heart even if I don't have anything of hers. Brandon would need that reminder - so badly - to keep him safe. 

Brandon shook his head, "No way I can take this, Cal. It's, it's your mom's necklace and you need it." He said, shoving his hands back at me. 

I shoved his hands back at him, "Not as much as you need it. That's a piece of me, a part of me that is so important. While I'm gone, I need you to keep it safe. Please, Brandon." I said, tears starting to form in my eyes. I wiped them away before Brandon looked up. 

He clasped the necklace on his neck, "Thank you. I'll take good...good care of it." He said, finally meeting my eyes. I noticed that his eyes were filled with tears as well, so I let mine streak my face in pain while I pulled Brandon into a hug. His grip felt stringer than it ever had before, "I don't want you to go away. I don't want you to go away..." He started repeating it over and over like the chant was going to magically change the law. 

I pulled back and grabbed his face in my hands, "Shh, Brandon, shh...it's okay love. I'm right here." I said, pulling his back into the hug and rubbing gentle circle on his back, which triggered his breathing to slow and match mine. 

He started rocking back and forth with me in his arms, "Don't leave me." He pleaded, his grip strengthening on me.

I wiggled out from his arms, cupping his face again, "I'm right here, Brandon. I'm right here." I affirmed, not even believing it myself. I was hoping that Stef would fight for me and see the lighter side of things...why would Lena want to send me back to the JDC anyways? Was it because she didn't trust me anymore? While Brandon is very strong and independent, I don't want to leave him alone because he really does need support through it all.

"Callie Jacob?" A deep voice called out. I laced my fingers with Brandon's and peaked my head around. There were two cops standing right there; big and very tough. I was used to it by now, which was quite upsetting. Brandon's fingers squeezed mine as hard as they could.

I squeezed it for maybe the last time in a long while, "That's me." I said. 

They approached my quickly, "You're coming with us. Lena Adams says you know why." The deep-voice man said, strengthening his stance.  

I let my hand slip out from Brandon's, a tear rolling down my already stained cheek. The policemen took me by my wrists, and lead me out to their car. I could hear Brandon's screams growing more distant as I walked away...

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