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brandon's perspective ; tw, mentions of blood, read at your own risk

It all happened so fast; one moment she was assuring me everything would be fine and the next minute she is being dragged away by the police. Our love had ultimately gotten her taken back to the JDC, which could only make me feel worse about it. Knowing that I was a part of the reason she was being taken away made my chest hurt, throbbing with a pinching ache. My screams emptied my lungs of all the air and oxygen, making me feel lightheaded and weak. Everything seemed to go in slow motion from the moment she started to walk away. She looked back at me for a moment before she was gone...gone until I somehow got her back. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, which made my head turn around too quickly, because I became even more dizzy than I already was. 

It was my mom, "Mom?" I said, quite softly and muffled. My tears were running so quickly I couldn't quite catch them all, and my breath was caught in my throat, leaving me wanting  oxygen. 

She knelt beside me, "Sweetheart, I am going to get Callie back. I know that what she did was wrong...what you both did was wrong, but she doesn't need to be sent back to the JDC for it. I don't know what got into Mama's head, she has been acting on and off, and it doesn't seem like her at all, so I'm sorry. I will get Callie back for you, my love." She said, bringing me into her arms and squeezing me tightly, reminding me of the way that Callie would take me into her arms. I broke in my mom's arms, sobs escaping my lips so painfully. My throat was dry and longing for water; my body needed to be replenished from all the tears I have cried. 

I looked up at Mom, "How, uh, how are you going to...going to get her back? If-if Mama wanted her gone...if she got her-her into this trouble..." I stammered, my throat holding me back from any more words. I licked my lips, hoping to give my body the illusion that I was hydrated. 

Mom took me by the hand and stood up with me, walking with me, "I'm a policewoman, darling. I will work my cop magic and get her back, B. She will have her hearing and I will be there with all my evidence and backup for her, love." Mom assured me, guiding me into Mama's office. She wasn't even here, so I assumed that it was just a quiet place for me to go. I dropped myself into a seat, leaning against the back and crossing my legs. Mom sat next to me, grabbing my face for a moment and wiping the lingering tears off. 

I took in a sharp breath, "Thank you, Mom. I don't know what I would do without you." I said, finally regaining my will to speak. She patted my back, then stood up abruptly and left, leaving me by myself. I didn't move yet, taking a moment to collect myself and get out of my damn mind. I stopped my thoughts in their tracks, holding them back and taking my mind back into my control. I was going to get Callie back and she would be right here with me, I forced my mind to speak this over and over until I believed it was true. It was hard to get it to feel true just then, but a small hope in my heart allowed me to believe it then, just for a moment. 

I finally stood back up and walked back out into the halls, where kids were hustling and trying to get to their lockers as quick as they could, people laughing and creating memories. While I tried to shove the fact that my rock was going to be gone for possibly a long time, I paraded over to my locker, shoving people to the side and getting bitter stares. I packed up my things and walked out to the car, waiting for Mariana, Jesus and Jude to get into the car. I wouldn't let one of them take her place next to me, because it felt so wrong to just forget her completely. Everyone filed into their normal seats in the car, but I could tell the same question was on all their minds at the very moment just from their faces. 

I turned myself around to face them all, "She got sent back to the JDC, and I'll explain more later, okay?" I said, turning back around and ignoring everyone's comments. I started to drive, and blasted my classical music to overpower their rambling voices. 

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